All Multiplayer Games Online?


Pondering Member
Jun 30, 2006
A basement on the hill.
Wii Online Code
Well, with the recent news that Wii's online service, WiiConnect24, will be free, an idea popped into my head: Could all Wii games that have multiplayer be played online?

Here's what Reginald Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America's new president and chief operating officer, said when asked by USAToday the following:
Q: You're not pursuing a [online gaming] subscription model?

A: We view online gaming as essentially an enhanced way to enjoy the gaming experience and drive more sales of hardware and software.

Also, look at the WarpPipe Project, which allowed many Gamecube games that only had split-screen and/or LAN play (like Mario Kart: Double Dash) to be played online.

I think online play in every Wii multiplayer game would be an outstanding step forward and it probably woudn't be that hard to do.

Who agrees or disagrees with me?
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While it would be a first for consoles, every single PC game that I know of has some way of playing a multiplayer game online for free, so it's there's precendence for this feature.

Also, if Nintendo and/or game developers included a split-screen mode but left out an online mode, perhaps something like the WarpPipe Project could be done for Wii?

Just have to trick Wii into thinking it's playing a split-screen game or LAN enabled game, when really, you're playing with someone in another city, state, country, etc.
Id really hope there was not only online play but splitscreen as well. It would be nice to see a lot of online multiplayer games though. It is something that nintendo is trying to improve upon apparently.
It would make since, it's a great idea...some games might be dumb online though(elebits, rayman etc.) But it would be a smart move for Nintendo. Good idea Nate.
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Glad everyone likes this idea. Also, I agree with DarkDepths that if a game is going to have online multiplayer, it should also have normal split-screen because (sadly) not everyone will be able to play online and at the same time, it's still really fun to play with your friend right next to you.

I remember playing Unreal Championship 2K4 and was agrivated to find it only had online and LAN play, but no split-screen, which meant the only way we could play in the same room was to have two TVs, two Xboxs, two copies of the game and a link cable!

So maybe another thing that should be standard is split-screen for any Wii game that's going to be online, which again wouldn't be difficult to program. The only problem would be playing a game that required wide swinging of the wiimote (like Red Steel might have), but I'm guessing we'll be able to change the sensetivity of the controller just like we can adjust the game's sound and rumble feature.
it will it would be stupid not to have split screens damn if mp3 doesnt have mutilplayer im going to get my pikimin soft toy (dont ask) and rip the head clean off and put it in the fire
I hope you can lan from like 2 miles away with another wii and just get a bunch of Wiis connected together without having to use the internet at all.
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ghghgh14702 said:
I hope you can lan from like 2 miles away with another wii and just get a bunch of Wiis connected together without having to use the internet at all.
That would be nice for those who don't have high-speed internet, or for those like me who hate the high cost of broadband, but don't have a choice if they want to play friends who live a few blocks away.
Good thing i'm only 14, have high-speed internet and don't have to worry about paying for any of it:D I'm very lucky.
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ssbb_lover said:
Good thing i'm only 14, have high-speed internet and don't have to worry about paying for any of it:D I'm very lucky.
Darn wipper snappers. Well, I'll tell you something...uh...well my memory isn't the best so....what were we talking about again? *said in "old timer's" voice*:lol:

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