Any Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transsexuals, Hags and Stags here?

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the way I look at it, there seems to be more common sense around gays than straights...not that i'm callin' gays smarter than straights, or straights smarter than gays. (or bisexuals for that matter)
Jayman said:
ho say that being gay is a choice and for those who don't understand homosexuality, I tell you this.

Wouldn't it suck when you were 11 that you're attracted to guys instead of girls? And all your life, you tried to make your dick "open up" to chicks, but can't?

It is a mystery, yes, to those who are not gay, lesbian, bi and transsexual, since they didn't undergo the internal conflicts and the threatening external conflicts that beckoned.

I have to chip in here and take the stand from a Hetro / Agnostic point of view regarding your statements - we all have read / seen in the media how being gay can be a tumultuous time in a young persons life but consider the flip side of the coin - you're spotty, overweight, disabled, shy, stupid, violent, nasty, ignorant, short, tall, thin, ginger, big nosed, easily manipulated, bullied, mocked, geeky and to top it all off you wear cheap sneakers... etc BUT are attracted to the opposite sex who take no notice of you - you could feel isolated, rejected, resented, worthless, possibly suicidal, an outcast, confused...alone

Does this not resemble the feeling people go through when they start to discover they are gay? It's not poles apart, is it?!?

Whilst I certainly don't wish to demean feelings which up to press I haven't had to deal with (you never know) - I can empathise with a lot of the above and the main point is that we as a race of beings suffer for all the same reasons just not always in the same order and should not be pidgeon-holed for the sake of the label we feel to wear. Our lives are shaped by not what label we wear this week but by our human nature - JP Sartre coined the phrase "Existentialism" and it's basically the effect of:

If a butterfly beats it's wings in Asia do we not feel the ripple of the breeze in Europe [what we do / say effects others in ways we can't appreciate]

This thread is proving that any perceived hatred you may come across in your life is temporary and people are shuffling about with their eyes open - you may find opposition in the town you are in but look at the variety of locations posting positivity throughout this discussion - it's mindblowing that we communicate with aplomb and dignity and we make this supposition via the written word - no verbal inflections, no deviation in handwriting to go on just solid words to discuss an obvious immotive issue. After all do we not all need to fit in somewhere? It's a common struggle: although not always equal: to all colours, creeds, religions and sexuality - it's our pack instincts.

Now if I could just find my black, gay jewish man servant to feed me peeled grapes because I'm late for my UN ambassadors' job in Texas....:lol:
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I understand that some people may get confused if they are gay, lesbian etc, but a girl thinking another girl is attractive doesnot mean you are a lesbian, its simply nature to think 'this' other person is good looking and you would like to look more like them- i mean, its the same for guys i guess, iv come across this topic many times and it seems people misunderstand. Im straight, but it doesnt hurt to look at another girl and say they look attractive.
but I dont care about how I dress
im straight and proud of it. its true sometimes i wonder how gays can NOT like women...the way they look smell feel..i mean i LOVE women.

im not against gays or any one who isnt straight...however our role in life is to populate Gods world. Gays cannot do this, which means they go against common nature...not that ur unnatural, but ur attractions are not right. but like i said im not against you.
ottoman said:
im straight and proud of it. its true sometimes i wonder how gays can NOT like women...the way they look smell feel..i mean i LOVE women.

im not against gays or any one who isnt straight...however our role in life is to populate Gods world. Gays cannot do this, which means they go against common nature...not that ur unnatural, but ur attractions are not right. but like i said im not against you.

Maybe gays think poopies are their "babies" since they like to "impregnate" eachothers arses.
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ottoman said:
im not against gays or any one who isnt straight...however our role in life is to populate Gods world. Gays cannot do this, which means they go against common nature...not that ur unnatural, but ur attractions are not right. but like i said im not against you.

Our role in life is to populate God's world:
Yes I do believe so. However, by God's divine comedy, they created us gays. Even as of now, I don't know why he created us. I believe God did this thing for a purpose. As I grew up, I finally realize that there may be a purpose for us homos. There's a kid somewhere in the world at an orphanage. Gay and lesbian couples provide physical and mental welfare for these kids and I plan to do so in the future... But back to the argument, God had created us equally and beset talents to every each one of us. May it be a boon or a bane, my identity as a homosexual will remain as a boon.

...go against common nature & ...attractions are not right:
It seems unnatural to the eyes on those who don't know. Weird, yes. But somehow, my attractions to guy seems natural. I feel in love with a guy at the age of 11, the start of puberty. There were also documentaries and recorded evidence that there is also homosexuality in the animal kingdom. If that were the case, then there is a potentiality that humans also possess the potentiality of conducting homosexuality naturally.

Ottoman, I'm not trying to barrage your conclusion or opinion, I'm trying to rationalize in the most rational voice possible. As for csiguy4u, I did try to impregnate a guy but the only thing coming out was *bleep*.
Yunaleska said:
Personality adds to attraction. The better your personality, the better your 'appearance' will be seen through the eyes of others. :smilewinkgrin:

...I BEG to differ

sadly enough, the majority of people do not see anything other than physical appearance.
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