Anybody got Rockstar Presents Table Tennis yet?


WiiChat Member
Sep 28, 2007
I am obviously aware that it is only just out today (in the UK anyway), but if anyone preordered it you may have got it yesterday. I'm thinking of getting it later today and want to hear some opinions.

I picked it up at Toys R Us last night. It's actually quite fun. If you like Wii Sports Tennis, you'll love this.

By the way, today and tomorrow are the last 2 days for Toys R Us buy 2 get one free on all videogames...
I've played about 4 tournaments of this. It's an interesting game that seems to have a lot of challenges.

The controls are not as synced as Wii Tennis. You can swing far ahead of the shot and still make the shot. In fact swinging ahead of the ball becomes a regular thing because you're always thinking about the occasional topspin ball which is fast. You have to anticipate the opponent's ball spin choices sometimes and know when to take your shots and when to play defensively.

I've had volleys go for over 100 hits.

Oh one of the things I like the most about the game is the arrogant and smug players. They have great reactions to winning shots and defeats.

I haven't played against someone else yet but I bet that's fun.

EDIT UPDATE: The later you can wait to swing the more action you can get on the ball and the better the angles.
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No, however i would suggest waiting for another tennis game like mario tenis. I hear this isnt supposed to be very good.
In my opinion this game is awful! If anyone can tell me a way to changed from right-handed to left-handed or how to skip those irritating intros to each game it would be greatly appreciated.
mushroomedmario said:
i have a table tennis table, so i'm going to pass on this one

i wander whihch is better, this or balls of fury
Cpt. Jack said:
you dont have to type with a bunch of ......'s

...Do you realize the effect I was giving there?

Nice job taking us off topic, for that you deserve a big bunch of rep:rolleyes:

The controls seemed fairly easy, the motion sensing isnt at that much of work but it does its job, I think there are different control schemes also.
I got this game and although i do enjoy playing it I find the controls arent as responsive as I'd like them to be. sure, you can hit a shot back as long as you swing in time and performing spins and smash shots are easy enough but i struggle to hit the balls back with some accuracy. you supposedly swing in a certain way to hit the left of the table, swing a different way for the centre and another way for the right side. there are tuition modules to train you on how to perform these shots but still its not as accurate as it could be...maybe its just me

oh, and wheres the face designer option? there should be one
Got this game last week and have not had much chance to play it - early impressions are pretty favourable. Give the standard Motion control mechanism a though and go with the "sharp-shooter" control option - feels really tight (and reminds me of konami's "ping-Pong" from the 80's. Decent stuff indeed !