Anyone else got a Mii from Nintendo?

It could be Nintendo testing their servers. If you get a perfect in Wii Sports bowling, Nintendo is supposed to send an email to your Wii. Perhaps we'll see Wii Sports online one day?
Firstly, I don't think he got a Mii from Nintendo, since he won't post a pic.
People these days...

Also, if you bowl a perfect game in Wii Sports bowling, you get a memo thingy on your message board with your Mii's name, congratulating you.

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Ok, here's the mii that says nintendo, I don't know if it's a japanese star because I don't know how to google with these letters. I don't even know how to put Japanese letters in the name of a Mii, so I didn't make it myself, but it is of course possible that one of my wii friends made a joke but I don't think so.


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Hey, maybe I'll try to play with this Mii in wiisports or wiiplay, do you think something would happen? I don't have pro in any sport btw, I don't play the game often.
I got one too I'll send a picture of it too you lawrencelot on your wii. I also bowled a perfect game in bowling.Not sure if I got it after the perfect game.

I know you did not make that mii because he has yellow pants.We are very lucky.
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ocdan said:
if he sent the pic to you with his wii, why didnt he just send the mii to you?

If you send the mii to someone else this mii might be gone FOREVER!! There is a message that comes up if you want to send this mii to someone,if the person you are sending it to already has a "special" mii the one you send is lost FOREVER. I'm not sending mine to NO-ONE (HA-HA)

just kidding, thats really cool! im actually quite jealous :(
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As I said, I don't have PRO in any Wiisport, but I still got it. I think it could have something to do with the voting channel. But you could try anyway.
Maybe thats what you get if you reach popular opinion? Because i am no where near it, the closest i ever got was 26 m or something like that. now im around 60 m :(

btw, im on about everybody votes channel