Are you fugin Steve Irwin fans happy

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I know
I hated him and all that crap but at least he didnt killem
Those people who are taking 'revenge' on stingrays are dumbass. That is the last thing steve irwin would have wanted, those stupid people dont realise he was an envriomentalist not a freakin murderer.
Taking revenge on stingrays isn't going to do any good for anyone, and it's not what Steve Irwin wouldn't have wanted. The stingray that attacked Irwin was just acting on instinct, and he would have known that. In fact he'd probably the first to condemn these people for what they're doing.
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~Marisa~ said:
But you agree with killing all Muslims? Somehow, that doesn't seem right......:rolleyes:

People are different
most of us dont kill to survive we kill for no reason
animals kill for food/defense.

sets a (alive) stingray on her
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~Marisa~ said:
But you agree with killing all Muslims? Somehow, that doesn't seem right......:rolleyes:

Muslims (Most of them, not all) purposly kill people because they don't believe their religion.

Stingrays, don't.
Well I think thats wrong killing all the stingrays and that.. but cmon.. your blaming 'steve irwin fans' u dick... and u feel wishing death on people is worse then animals? Thats sick and u kno it :sick:
AltF4 said:
Muslims (Most of them, not all) purposly kill people because they don't believe their religion.

Stingrays, don't.

While I don't want to get into this argument, I hasten to point out that most muslims DON'T kill people. Or are you claiming that a sixth of the population are going around murdering?
AltF4 said:
Muslims (Most of them, not all) purposly kill people
You need to get out into the world and stop listening to the News. Most of the news on TV nowadays is as speculative/biased as the internet is renowned(sp?) for being!
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Squall7 said:
You need to get out into the world and stop listening to the News. Most of the news on TV nowadays is as speculative/biased as the internet is renowned(sp?) for being!


I barley ever watch the news.

It's their religion to kill people who don't believe in their religion.

It's in their "Bible" to do that.

Sorry for talking about religion if it's against the rules though.
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It isnt
the last time some one mentioned it I went on a long rant (said the same as you)

But this is a anti animal crulty thred
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