Arnt summers just sheer torture?


Yay I'm dead!
Jul 21, 2006
Over the Stars

We can relate so much to this comic! :lol:
i hate how so amny people bought the 360 but keep playing halo2. it is SO fucking boring. halo1 online on XBC> Halo2 online on LIVE
yea they sould have but if it wasnt for XBC, i wouldnt have some of the coolest friends i have now. i miss the old days where there were 300+ games of halo1 going at any given time and it was easy to get 4v4. man that was a blast. i wish those days would come back
Xbox Connect. it lets you play xbox system link games online (it is mosly used for halo2 now but back before halo2 it was all halo1. the only downside is since it wasnt ment to be played online, the packets were huge that it sent out so the host has to have an awsome upload speed in order for you to get in a lag free game but once you did, it was fun for hrs. )
Mitch2025 said:
i hate how so amny people bought the 360 but keep playing halo2. it is SO fucking boring. halo1 online on XBC> Halo2 online on LIVE

i agree, i hated halo 2 because any noob could be good at it. It took skill to be good at halo 1, i was a pro. Im not saying halo 2 is bad, or that i suck at it, its just that i had a better experiance on halo 1 and XBC.
Summers suck anyway
hate beeing warm
Strange its winter right now (Australia) and i think its horrible 0 or negatives in the morning when I have to get up to catch the bus that takes me to school.

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