Video Games in Lego


Jul 7, 2006
I have an interesting hobby of designing legos based off of movies and video games. One series that i think everyone will be interested in is my ssbm legos. i will include a couple pics in every post. They arnt perfect and i try to make them without screwing up the pieces too much so i can reuse them :p
Feel free to give ur opinion!
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Here is Link! i originaly planned to make just zelda legos but they were way to hard without painting and cutting apart pieces *shudders*
(All the close up pictures are really blurry because my camera isnt made for close ups)
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There isnt much i can say about this one, the head is the closest i could get! i hate that its grey.

I know it looks nothing like kirby, but its the closest i could get without painting, decals, or making it huge.
heres a photoshoped kirby to try and make the colors more accurate painted kirby

And finaly heres Mr. Game and Watch

here is a series of items that i made
hammer :)
green shell
red shell
motion sensor bomb
bomb omb

Anyway here is the cool pics
pokemon stadium
a good clear picture of the characters fighting
kirby with a box
oh yeah! double sword!
hit by a shell!
run away!
hang on i posted some lego/game pics yonks ago
Hey I liked them all alot except for Kirby. (he needs a little more work)
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yeah i agree the kirby completly sucks, but its really the best its gonna get considering lego doesnt make decent pink pieces (I wouldnt have them even if they did). The look has kinda grown on me anyway so it doesnt bother me that much. Not to metion that this is honestly not my best work in the least. I just made a lifesize wiimote yesterday, but after the last couple posts, does anyone wanna see it?
Man sorry to say it, but I dont like any of those, even the Mr. Game and Watch one... it just looks terrible ( the kirby one )
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Arcadium said:
Man sorry to say it, but I dont like any of those, even the Mr. Game and Watch one... it just looks terrible ( the kirby one )
Well you are obviously new to the concept of custom lego building. I guess this wasnt the best place to put them!

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