Lego games


WiiChat Member
Jan 9, 2008
So who here owns any of the lego series of games, well this might interest you in you like them, in a few months they're releasing lego indiana jones on the wii to coexist with the new movie. I also heard of a lego batman for the new batman film not sure if it will be available on the wii tho. Your thoughts please
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ye i just double checked and they will both be, how do you feel about the concept of lego gaming, after lego star wars being a somewhat success i think there just hunting for glory, what next lego ghostbusters?
dex-ta-c said:
So who here owns any of the lego series of games, well this might interest you in you like them, in a few months they're releasing lego indiana jones on the wii to coexist with the new movie. I also heard of a lego batman for the new batman film not sure if it will be available on the wii tho. Your thoughts please

not claiming that you said differently but just incase you didn't know, from what i've read the Batman game will cover pretty much the entire batman timeline, and the indy game will cover previous movies but not the new one. I'm happy about both those facts.

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really, thanks for telling me that, i thought they were just going to cover the new films, but the whole sagas that makes it sound pretty good, that should give at least a couple days of hardcore gaming lol
As long as the game isn't bad, I don't really care. IMO, there are a lot of other game franchises and concepts that are guilty of "cashing in" to a greater extent than the Lego games. (if they choose to continue making them)

I personally thought Lego Star Wars Complete Saga was a better overall game than SMG. *shrug*
dex-ta-c said:
really, thanks for telling me that, i thought they were just going to cover the new films, but the whole sagas that makes it sound pretty good, that should give at least a couple days of hardcore gaming lol

yeah i was very please about it, i read it in (i think the most recent but maybe last months) Game Informer. If i remember to bring it to work tomorrow i'll scan the article and post it, unfortunately though the scanner here only does black and white so i'll see how it comes out.
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that will be great if you could thanks for that, might have to invest in one for myself tho. sounds good
dex-ta-c said:
that will be great if you could thanks for that, might have to invest in one for myself tho. sounds good

if you have a gamestop by you, get their discount card it's $15 one year, you get 10% off of used games or something and some other stuff but you also get a 1 year subscription to Game Informer Magazine. if you use the store relatively often to buy used games it is completely worth it since once you spend $150 in used games it ends up paying for itself.
ah, maybe on gamestops site? i'm not sure if they'll send it there. sorry i forgot to check your info. duh.
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no worries, im sure if they dont send here, theres an equivelent of it here, its annoying having to wait longer for all the good movies, games everything
i think the lego games can be overdone way to fast... Starwars awsome... indiana jones awsome... but to go as far as batman.. might be too main stream...

i think alot of lego star wars players are people that like the films they are about, and are part of the cult following tied with the film... parents that grew up with these classic films buy these games for there kids to play as well...

once you start putting out newer movies, or less "cult like" movies its going to kill the franchise... granted its kinda dumb to do it about something lego isnt connected with... but they could do something else...

a batman or spider man lego game i dont think will be as big of a hit, unless they dont tie them in so closely with the movie.. if they keep it Retro style like the pics ive seen... Then it might go over well but wont touch the sale levels as the others...

it would just be stupid to release everything in lego's "even if they have lego characters" when they dont do great on there own.. Harry potter,sponge bob,avatar,bob the builder,thomas & friends... these wont be huge lego hits..

lol ill bet on it...
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yeah i agree. The SW was really fun, and IJ looks really good, but they shouldnt whore Lego out.
I saw the Lego Batman one while searching random images on Google. Looks like I'll be getting it.

I have 1 Lego game (and it's horrible) for my N64: Lego Racers.

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