Audio noise when Wii is OFF?


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2006
USA, Central Ohio
I run the l/r audio output from the Wii into my AV receiver. With my Wii turned off, if I switch my receiver over to the input I use for the Wii, I get loud noise from my speakers. Once I turn on the Wii (even before anything shows up on screen), the noise goes away.

Anyone else notice this?
Nope, never happened to me *tests receiver*, nope, nothing, check to see if you have any loose connections or any type of short, maybe a peice of copper or some other type of metal touched both the + and - leads therefore thinkthing there was input, and as a result, the sound you hear is your short input (I usually get some buzzing sound when I unplug or plug in my Wii)

Just noticed your sig, you're form ohio? So am I