Australia has it easy

Yeah i think i posted that AGES ago but it doesnt matter, anyway WE in AUSTRALIA do not get it easy. We will probably have to wait like another month or something for the wii to get released. There are other better deals aswel, like if u preorder at MYERS (Which is the equivalent to Grace Bros i think) you get like $600AUS of Wii vouchers. I know its a bit werid cause the wii itself will cost less than that but the vouchers, theres like heaps of them in like $30 lots, $20 and $15 ETC. And i thikn you can not use the vouchers together so you kind of save more in the end but only if your gonna buy like HEAPS of games.
Wish I knew about the myer deal. I'm starting to regret preordering at gameswizards. I didn't go with Toys's r us because they wouldn't tell me what sort of game it would be, and it seemed like a bit of a gamble since it could just be a VC or a gamecube game. What sort of deals are you guys getting overseas?
The myer deal isn't $600 of wii vouchers its $600 of random vouchers some might be to do with the wii
Well - I've preordered the Wii at Toys'r'us and I kept asking them what it will come with yada yada and what the game it will come with the preorder and they said they wouldn't tell me.

By the way I was looking at the Wii promo vid they had at toys'r'us and there was a mother there who was thinking of getting a wii for her kid's bday or xmas day thing not sure but she said she wants her kids to have something fun and enjoyable to play with (not a pun lol, also, nothing with gore and violence) and I told her most of the stuff I gathered around here on wiichat (not the fanboy details but the general info) and she seemed delighted that the wii was just suited for her kids and that the games that will come out with it will give her kids loads of fun during their free time. And she also said she didn't want to pay $hitload for a PS3.
linkzeldagame said:
Well - I've preordered the Wii at Toys'r'us and I kept asking them what it will come with yada yada and what the game it will come with the preorder and they said they wouldn't tell me.

By the way I was looking at the Wii promo vid they had at toys'r'us and there was a mother there who was thinking of getting a wii for her kid's bday or xmas day thing not sure but she said she wants her kids to have something fun and enjoyable to play with (not a pun lol, also, nothing with gore and violence) and I told her most of the stuff I gathered around here on wiichat (not the fanboy details but the general info) and she seemed delighted that the wii was just suited for her kids and that the games that will come out with it will give her kids loads of fun during their free time. And she also said she didn't want to pay $hitload for a PS3.
Well, i dont think anyone wants to pay 600 for a ps3
No its like only $800 for the core system but lets cut the crap who would want something thats so far obselete to the premium system I mean the PSOne is probabbly better than the crappy core system.
I pre-ordered my Wii on the 30th of June, heheh.
That early eh? Can't wait for it to come out?

its way more over here in australia, like over $1,000
Yeah - and as I said in a different post before (not sure where it is) that it is $1499 for the PS3 from what I gathered at EB. As if anyone would want to buy that much for a console. I would rather buy a computer with the latest graphics card instead. That way, when the technology becomes obsolete I can upgrade the computer so it isn't obsolete... Well at least for about 3 months.

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