Awesome Idea for the next years E3


WiiChat Member
Jun 16, 2009
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I think it would be great if nintendo introduced a Friends system similar to the Xbox 360 where you can get your friends status. Also it would be great to have a themed Wii Menus. Also another great thing would be to allow WiiWare game developers to be able to make the game free. These games could have some ads in them and then Nintendo could get some of their profits with the ads. Also one more thing, they should have downloadable demos available to people. I think this would be great for the Wii at E3 2010. So what does everyone think?
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Those are all great ideas, the Wii Ware thing is good since there aren't any reviews on them so it's hard to tell if they'll be good frankly I'm hoping for a new Star Fox game!

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great ideas!!! I always have wished they had game demos on wii, I think its pretty ironic because they have DS Demos through the Nintendo Channel, so why not? :smilewinkgrin:
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great ideas!!! I always have wished they had game demos on wii, I think its pretty ironic because they have DS Demos through the Nintendo Channel, so why not? :smilewinkgrin:

Thats the thing I was leaving out in my Ideas!

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