Picked up Guitar Hero 3 this weekend for the Wii.
Noticed that tilting the guitar to engage star power did not work.
I had Wiimote #1 in the guitar...I switch to Wiimote #2 and everything worked fine.
Did some experimenting and noticed when play Wii Bowling that Wiimote #1 was not registering any movement up/down..i.e swinging....again Wiimote #2 works just fine.
So it seems my Wiimote #1 is somehow broken in terms of motion? the buttons work and all.
I put in brand new batteries...and re-synced them...same results.
Picked up Guitar Hero 3 this weekend for the Wii.
Noticed that tilting the guitar to engage star power did not work.
I had Wiimote #1 in the guitar...I switch to Wiimote #2 and everything worked fine.
Did some experimenting and noticed when play Wii Bowling that Wiimote #1 was not registering any movement up/down..i.e swinging....again Wiimote #2 works just fine.
So it seems my Wiimote #1 is somehow broken in terms of motion? the buttons work and all.
I put in brand new batteries...and re-synced them...same results.