Best most important game for Wii to date?


Lifes Helix!?
Mar 7, 2007
For me has to be Mario Strikers, Wi-Fi connected great graphics that jump out of the screen and very original compared to the lame rehashes that seem to plague PS3 and Xbox 360! (ie 1st/3rd person shooters in the same vein as all their best titles on their predecessors). Talking of which - RE4 Wii Edition, what can I say, this is how a port should be done for all you Zelda fans! Who said TP was anything but a crappy copy of the GC game and unworthy of play by anyone over 12!
TP was great, gets my vote for best so far. Although being a huge Zelda fan for a very long time may make me a bit biased. Never played the GC version.
vagrant said:
I read otherwise.

In fact everyone seems to think they are identicle.
Good video but the first part makes me sigh. Comparing cut scenes will result in identical video because the Wii, PS2 and PC all use pre rendered video from the gamecube version. Back when it was new the PS2 fanboys would go nuts when you showed them that the GC was better ;) . The GC uses the game engine to create the cut scenes and thats why the GC version has the correct weapon equipped while all others don't. Switching between gameplay and cutscenes are completely seamless only on the GC

It might be hard to believe but I will try my best to prove that the Wii version was created using the same lower polygon count source as the PS2 version. I am having a hell of a time to find a screen shot good enough to show the Ps2 version agaisnt GC and Wii where the difference would be more noticeable. So far I can only cite the similarities between the PS2 and Wii version that don't exist for the GC.

Capcom developed all version of the game in house except for the PC version which was developed by Ubisoft is a direct port of the PS2 version. The Wii version was started around the same time and I cant see why they would provide the PS2 version for one project and the GC for the other (though it is possible)

The GC version did not support widescreen or 480p while the PS2 and Wii edition do.

The extra weapons, clothing and modified difficulty are only available for the PS2 and Wii.

I might know someone who still has the ps2 version. If so I will use composite video to capture a screen of the Wii and PS2 version to compare. Not sure if it will be high enough quality :(

I guess if it takes this much effort to tell the difference then doesn't it mean the PS2 version is a better value since you can find it so cheap used or the PC version is a better bet since you can easily pirate a copy of it?
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OK, I know I am a newbie, but I can't for the life of me find a button anywhere that says "Create new thread" or the like.

How do you start a new thread??
Am I stupid, or just a plain dumb blonde? ( THAT WAS REHTORICAL !)

Goto your forum of choice and look for this picture at the top right

AH, that would do it. I was looking in places like "User CP" and "Forum Index"
No wonder.
I can't believe I posted in this thread without mentioning how much it sucks.

I would have to say TP was the biggest to date because it was the platinum wii release title.






Whether or not it's up to Gamecube level is up for debate but the Wii version definitely looks crispier than the Ps2 version.
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Which shot of RE4 above looks like Leon is the most screwed?? I'd say the wii one as chainsaw guy is about to decapitate him.

I'd say aswell that the wii version of the game has best graphics, of course it would, its a next gen console.
George said:
Which shot of RE4 above looks like Leon is the most screwed?? I'd say the wii one as chainsaw guy is about to decapitate him.

I'd say aswell that the wii version of the game has best graphics, of course it would, its a next gen console.

It may be a "next-gen console" but it has "last-gen" graphics and power attached to a nifty new gimmick with a reasonable pricetag.
Rosbaughcr said:
It may be a "next-gen console" but it has "last-gen" graphics and power attached to a nifty new gimmick with a reasonable pricetag.

It's winning the console wars.

Something it wouldn't be doing if they focused on graphics because they knew they wouldn't beat Microsoft and Sony in that area.
Rosbaughcr said:
It may be a "next-gen console" but it has "last-gen" graphics and power attached to a nifty new gimmick with a reasonable pricetag.

That's a false statement. The Wii has a more powerful processor than the Xbox 1, making it more powerful than any last gen consoles, technically placing it on the next gen line. :yesnod: Hell, just being more powerful than the Gamecube makes it next gen by itself!

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