I'm am constantly keeping up with New Playstation Vita Games along with the console sells (as being an owner). On Playstation Blog, it seems that Nihilistic is improving the overall graphics that was previously viewed at Gamescons. They've also stated that most of the features that were in the first Black Ops are present in this mobile version. The only thing that concerns me is that Medal of Honor for PSP had 16v16 online multiplayer, yet I'm only seeing 4v4 online action. First being Resistance: Burning Skies (Which has terrible multiplayer, which the developers happen to also be Nihilistic, but they've been working on this title so they haven't been able to update that game. I severely believe that after this game is complete, they need to update Resistance).
Any opinions on the Mobile Version of Black Ops? I'm thinking about buying it because I cannot run Black Ops or Black Ops II and I did enjoy Playstation 3's version of Black Ops when I had the opportunity. I do feel it would've been better if the project was handed to Treyarch instead of Nihilistic.