BlitheMellen from and

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Wii60 gaming enthusiast
:cool: Hello my fellow Ninty fans! I've kept my eyes open, looking for a more intimate Nintendo forum to join, and this one looks like a very nice fit for me! Fear Not, I am not a fan girl or an Xbox Troll. As a matter of fact, I eat trolls for breakfast, with a smile and a "thank you for visiting! (burp)" :D

I am a middle aged American woman and have enjoyed playing video games, starting out on the PC, since the late '80's. I belong to 2 clans, both small and casual, one for playing Chromehounds (360) assoicated with and I lead a squad (Saints Row, 360) within another brand new clan made up of women who network via xbox Live, called TrixiesGamerchiX from the new XboxGamerchiX program. By the way, if you are a female gamer and would like to network with others like yourself, you are encouraged to join the GamerchiX program by Trixie360, the Communications Editor of (she is an MS employee). Membership is open to all women and girls over twelve, regardless of which console brand or computer or handheld or arcade machine you normally play on. Most of us own all 3 consoles and game on PC s, too. We are striving to make things a little nicer and safer for women & girls in both forum life and when playing online. All XX chromosome video game players are welcome!

The Nintendo Wii has me more excited than at any other time in my gaming life! Nuff said! Need I preach to the choir? Hardly...:lol:
Im sick so i'll be online for like probably 5hrs+ :) with breaks that is. Oh and dont be afraid to ask questions or post. GC starts soon, less than 2hrs
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