Bluetooth Question

woh, ive never thought of that! however i dont think it would work properly because it also needs the sensor bar in order to aim (but you may still be able to use the motion part of it, jsut not use it as like a light gun. i just thought of something. the Wii is gonna be the first system that cannot be put on a PC as an emulator because of its controller. the DS is kinda that way but if you have a touch screen computer, you can probably use a DS emulator when/if someone makes one)
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Mitch2025 said:
the DS is kinda that way but if you have a touch screen computer, you can probably use a DS emulator when/if someone makes one)

Actually you can just use the mouse, and click your mouse where you would normally tap the stylus.

I wanted to point out that I think most emulator coders, code emulators for fun :). I myself coded an original Gameboy Emulator for fun. So I'm sure once coders get hold of the Wii hardware specifications, an emulator will be built for the fun of it :), even if the Controller Input isn't accurate or whatever.

Ohh, and yes I think someone could probably make a computer recognise/interpret the Wii Controller input. Hmm, but maybe Nintendo has implemented some sort of protection/encryption to prevent this?

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It would be sweet if somebody wrote some mouse drivers for the pointer (assuming we could get the sensor bar working on the PC, or something roughly equivalent)... I don't know how useful it would be, but it would sure be cool

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