Brawl League Stage Legality


WiiChat Member
Jan 27, 2009
[I assume the Brawl League is still functional.. I just completed a challenge and then the whole ladder just disappeared. Oh well I'll post this anyway.]
EDIT: OH MAN please re-make the Brawl League, Jonryan and I were just getting into it >.< Why was it deleted???

Alright, the Brawl League is awesome, but there are no rules about stage legality. We need some rules so players can't unfairly pick just any stage, or we at least need rules for the Starting stage, so the first match of the set is fair. Then the loser can have more choices for his/her Counterpick. I suggest this official stage list, taken from the players at

Starter (These can also be used as Counterpicks, of course.)
Final Destination
Yoshi's Island

Counter (May be chosen by the loser for games 2 and 3.)
Castle Siege
Lylat Cruise
Pokémon Stadium 1
Distant Planet
Frigate Orpheon
Green Hill Zone
Jungle Japes
Luigi's Mansion
Pirate Ship
Pokémon Stadium 2
Rainbow Cruise
Yoshi's Island (Pipes)
Green Greens
Mario Circuit
Port Town Aero Dive

Big Blue
Bridge of Eldin
Flat Zone 2
Hyrule Temple
Mario Bros.
Mushroomy Kingdom I
Mushroomy Kingdom II
New Pork City
Rumble Falls
Shadow Moses
Spear Pillar
The Summit
Wario Ware

An additional rule I suggest for the Brawl League: For each ladder challenge, each player may ban up to 2 counter-pick stages before the set begins.

Also, there should be a limit to how many times 2 people can challenge each other consecutively (I suggest a limit of once per month). That would solve several potential problems, and keep us playing many different people.

So let me know what you guys think. I think this would make the Brawl League more fun, fair, and it would also clear up confusion. If anyone has problems with specific stage placements in the list, just say so and we can vote on it. Please post your opinion (this isn't official yet, i'm just suggesting it). I want to stress that I didn't make this list, it was painstakingly decided in a 248-page+ year-old thread on Smashboards by many, many players (but of course we can make changes to it for WiiChat).
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