Brick my Wii

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WiiChat Member
Jul 6, 2011
Unfortunately i have brick or semi brick my Wii accidentally. I bought my wii from Dubai with chip on it so i can play all games including the copy games. i recently get a copy game(Donkey Kong Jungle Beat) in Pal version and accidentally push the button of updating my system . After that my system cannot get on the internet and give me the white screen that says.
Please make sure that the web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated then try reloading the page

Make sure your internet connection is active and check whether other applications that rely on the same conection are working

Need help?

Open the opera help
Go to opera's on-line support desk

Please help me out what i can do. my wii still plays the copy games i use to play . i dont know what version it is since i canot go to the internet menu to chek it.Please help me !!1
thank you
Well thats your own fault.

Dont try to be heap next time
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