Bye Bye ads!


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2007
I'm just saying hello to get rid of the ads in front of the posts! I've read through the "age" thread and I'm old enough to be most people's father but you might like to know that my parents just bought a Wii for themselves and they're both in their 60s!!
Age is only a number, Wii here at WiiChat don't judge :lol:

Welcome aboard, Enjoy it here.
CantGetAWii is right :)

Anyways, hope you enjoy your stay here at WiiChat.
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  • #5
Thanks everyone! The info on here has already helped me through a freeze when trying to update for the first time. Looking forward to trying some online gaming....
Hello and welcome to WiiChat, Chaos!
You can call me Icy for short:cornut:
If you have any problems, concerns, and/or ?'s then feel free to ask.
CantGetAWii said:
Age is only a number, Wii here at WiiChat don't judge :lol:

Welcome aboard, Enjoy it here.

Ignore him.

We Judge and classify!


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