Call of Duty World at War Friend Code list-Updating, [starting clan]

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WiiChat Member
Jan 25, 2009
Here is a list of people who have Call of Duty World at War and who has it for wifi and plays it for wifi. I will update the list when I get alot of people signing up for it. But if there is any hackers or cheaters in it please PM me and tell me who is the hacker or cheater then they will be removed from the list. So sign up and I will add you. I'm also starting a clan. so put [ae] in front of your name and also you have to have a kill ratio of atleast 1.50. Post your name in game and friend code.

Please post in this format.


The add part is for if you want people to add you to their friend list. Yes, no, or request. If you say yes, please check this topic frequently and add anyone else who has a yes next to their name. If you put request, again, check this topic frequently to see if anyone wishes you be added to your friends list.

If this gets enough people, I will compile a whole list of everyone here into one post and we can keep that bumped for reference.

Add me: my friend code:0173-5356-5525

A: Ariel: 1805-5615-6180

Aetas: 3781-3725-5097

B: Beto22323: 1762-6426-0805

-bubbs: 1161-4075-3135


D: Doms64: 0302-3380-4858


F: FlyerFaithful: 2793-4111-5345

FFCYAN: 0646-0296-3740

G: gamerfreak1907: 0989-6143-2691


I: inflammable01: 0474-1793-6561

I.D.-BulletBeast: 0173-5782-7318

J: Jayce: 3867-2334-7471

K: knightsofwar: 2879-3286-3002

L: Legitlkami': 4597-3632-8708


N: Nemesis604: 0660-7040-2791

Nesty2k3: 1805-6625-3348


P: Peterom11: 3695-4111-7169

pjacobson21: 3308-8256-3221

PhazonBlazer: 2192-1743-3729


R: Robfez2929: 5069-8262-6323

S:SSBFan12: 2621-6102-1826

skeerup: 1118-4384-6055

SMR-Venom: 1118-3680-0012

Shaneflipsstuff: 0603-0373-5588

Smokey602: 4940-9422-2350

T:TallonIV123: 2535-7827-7625

Tampa 13: 5327-4409-2910

Terrance: 3051-2205-7666

Top Dog: 3351-7486-4095

U: Uni: 2707-5608-3350


W: Winnebego: 1075-5075-3371



About call of duty world at war...

I added you to but it just has your friend code and the word pending beside it are you sure you added me right try again and I'm playin da game online now so get on!
Name: Tron
FC: 4640 2386 2500
Add: yes

Current rank for kills 152
2.22 k/d ratio
best kill streak: 44

Add me! On call of duty world at war then tell me ur friend code
hey there, please add both my friendcodes as there are two active people in my household.
aShlee (NZ): 1247 2380 9444
SK-37 (NZ): 1290 1874 5077
Hey ashlee

I'll add u 2 marrow but add me now my friend code is in 1 of my comments above
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