COD WAW or The Conduit


WiiChat Member
Jul 30, 2009
Why in the world doesnt this forum have a dedicated forum category for COD or Conduit. These games are totally worth it and are the biggest online FPS out to this day. I see that SSBB has alot of its own and is a good game but falls way short of the glory of these two games. Many , many ppl are warring and holding tourneys for these two FPS all over the net. So with that being said what are the chances of a simple forum section being made for these two. I know it takes a whole 2 mnute for the admin to accomplish this feat. Thanks Killa
I know it takes a whole 2 mnute for the admin to accomplish this feat.
Well, there's the problem: there is no admin here. He abandoned the site back in Feb. That's why so many users and most of the mods have left for other forums.
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There is a way for a mod here to take over as owner. I did this to the site I run. You need to contact the forums company telling them that the current owner is MIA and will no longer be back, and let them know you want to keep things moving here for the members and would like to have the owner status. Just a thought if you wanted to keep this site alive

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