Here is some information about Huxley, Source
Personally I think it looks great, I'm looking forward to the 100 vs 100 online battles.
Huxley is a massively multiplayer first-person shooter computer game developed by Webzen Games Inc., a South Korean video game developer, that will be released in North America in 2009. It is being developed for both the PC and Xbox 360 with special content being made for each platform. The Xbox 360 version is planned for release six months after the PC. Huxley will also be a cross-platform game, though little information has been given as to the extent to which PC and 360 players will be able to interact. The contract to operate the game in China was sold to for $35 million USD on February 12, 2007, considered the largest export transaction to date for a Korean-developed game.
In Huxley, the action is designed to be fast-paced, on par with games such as Unreal Tournament 2004, applied to a Massively Multiplayer Online Game setting. In an interview, Huxley's main producer Kijong Kang said that the cities in Huxley will be able to accommodate up to 5000 people (according to other publications that number was increased to 10000 since summer 2006), and the individual battles will support over a hundred players. The battles can be as small as 1 VS 1 or as big as 100 VS 100 players (200), which is a modest improvement over the now 250 player maximum of Novalogic's Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising. Player vs. AI will allow up to 64 players of a given faction to play together. Player vs. player battles will be available, as well as optional player vs. AI quests. The 360 version of Huxley is said to include a single player campaign.
Leveling and experience
Although Webzen has not been specific, it can be derived from the released information that Huxley’s advancement system is actually separated into two. In the early part of the character advancement player system, players can shape their character in the style they like best. After that, players can then add depth to their characters. ‘Experiences’ and ‘Battle points’ are two elements of character advancement. ‘Experiences’ will affect the earlier part of character development and ‘Battle Points’ will affect the later part of a character’s development in a big way.
In the earlier part, by acquiring licenses, characters can have opportunities to use upgraded weapons and armor. In the later part of the game, players will concentrate on developing their characters to be more effective under any circumstance. One developer has stated, "We are planning to make the earlier part of character development relatively fast and the later part of development a bit slower but more abundant. This is because we decided that too much difference between characters abilities that affect combat result is not good for an FPS game.
Webzen has considered the fact that in most MMOGs the players at earlier levels have no chance of beating those at the higher levels, and therefore they have adjusted the game to make skill more significant than long periods of playing the game and leveling up. Leveling up will give players advantages, such as more slots for upgrades and perhaps faster aiming, but a lower level player can still measure up to a higher one. This is much like the game PlanetSide for PC.
Weapons and Abilities
Currently, not many weapons are known. Information about two assault rifles, a sniper rifle, and a rocket launcher has been released. As the player levels up throughout the course of the game, the player can buy more advanced armor and acquire better licenses; which are required before being able to use more advanced weaponry. A marketplace is available in cities where players can trade weapons, armor, etc. There will also be 9 weapons classes, three for each of the three armor classes in the game. To use these socketed abilities, you must first place them in the correct armor and then using tab while in battle to activate them. There is a bar near the top left hand side of the screen which indicates your "energy" level for abilities. Some abilities take up alot of this energy while others do not take much at all. Abilities vary from class to class.
The vehicles in Huxley will serve not only as strong offensive weapons, but they will also be crucial in transporting squads in battle. There will be several land, sea, and air vehicles based on the class that the player chooses. Vehicles are also divided into two categories: civilian and battleground. Civilian vehicles are only usable in cities and will mainly function as status symbols for the more wealthy players. Battle ground vehicles will only appear on the battle field and will have a specific license requirement for the driver. The license system for vehicles will be very similar to the one used for weapons.
The Sapiens are the human survivors of the catastrophe, most of which were unaffected by the Lunarites or suffered or very minor mutations.
The Alternatives are former humans who had contact with the Lunarites and underwent major biological mutations. with most of their skin much lighter for females and a tanned look on males it's unknown the actual causes of the Mutations between the 2 sexes.
In the near future, Nuclearites bombard the world. Destructive earthquakes, massive tidal waves and dramatic climate changes wreak havoc around the globe, isolating continents and driving the human race into chaos. Those who survive the destruction dream of tranquility, but an eruption among the human race and the appearance of horrible mutants drives the world into further disorder. Racism and oppression cause rebellious uprisings and war that divide the landscape between two powers: Sapiens and Alternatives. Both factions seek glory and victory, fighting mercilessly for the Lunarites and their very existence. At the heart of the war emerges a powerful energy source called the Lunarites, created by the mysterious Dr. Huxley.
Personally I think it looks great, I'm looking forward to the 100 vs 100 online battles.