Conker for Virtual Console petition


WiiChat Member
May 26, 2009
Hi people! Iam Franco169 and I would like to ask if any Conker fans would like him to appear on the VC. This is a must have game for any Rareware or conker fan. I understand that Microsoft owns Rareware now, but we could still try. Also, Rareware has said that its up to Nintendo if they want to put any Rareware games (beyond the Donkey Kong Country Series).

Thank you very much!:thumbsup:
Rare is now in bed with M$ It's more likely to see Conker on Xbox than on Wii

To me that's a plus.
The Wii has been such a huge dissapointment
conker sucks. i'm glad its not on the wii

WOw did u just say that
It's not possible and petitions never work.
without conker there would not be a meaning to hardcore videogames
Theres a meaning?

I thought it was just some kiddys trying to sound like they know what there talking about by calling there games hardcore
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