Corrupt a wish

george bush is no longer president, but his brother is.

ahhh, i love this game.

i wish i had some reeses pieces. yumm.
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You can, but jammed cupcake sprinkles in you inviso-control and evapporated.

I'm glad people likee this game.

I wish I had a remote control that lets me freeze time.:ihih:
you didnt post a wish Wii Love Gamin...

I wish Chuck Norris was related to me
chuck norris is your father but he has some extraordinary and terminal hereditary disease that he passes on to you.

same wish as i posted above.
you can heal yourself like wolverine but youd die from having that much metal stuff in your body

i wish i could play my wii right now with every game and 4 controllers
you can play your wii right now with all games and 4 controllers but then all your tvs break in one randomly explosian

i wish gamecrazy would get there 2nd shipment of wiis in.
You can fly, but you are always in restricted airspace and shot down.
I wish Bruce Lee was still alive
you can fly, but you get stuck in a plane jet engine. ouch...

i wish the players on Wii tennis weren't so good (skill leve 2000)
you get world piece but aliens destroy humanity
i wish for a pony!!!!!