Corrupt a wish

every game ever released for the old consoles is out right now for free but all your consoles are broken

i wish for a million babillion fafillion jajillion dollars
wii love gamin said:
i wish for a million babillion fafillion jajillion dollars

Your wish comes true, but It's all in Monopoly money. Plus, you weren't sure how much money that really was and when it appeared in your house you smothered and died in it. :frown2:

I wish I could be finished with college and have a teaching job right now.
You get finished with college and get a lovely job at a "seemingly" good school, but only the school looks good and the children drive you to your suicide.

I wish I could pwn noobs on Halo for the Wii
ThatGuy127 said:
You get finished with college and get a lovely job at a "seemingly" good school, but only the school looks good and the children drive you to your suicide.

I wish I could pwn noobs on Halo for the Wii
you pwn like no haxxor ever could, but now you live in yer basement yelling for your mom to bring down a fresh bed pan cuz you gotta deuce like mad

I wish pokemon were real
pokemon are real but they want to kill you and pee in your mouth and cram cookies and crayons up your arse before forcing you to eat your own shoes.

i wish the evil clown at the end of my bed would leave me alone :scared:
he does... when you are there.. but when you arn't there he changes small things in your room making you go slowly insane..

I wish I had 1 of each console ever made and they all worked perfectly fine and came with games and did not effect my health or social life in anyway, shape or form...
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You do, but it's all bunny pajamas and thongs.(call me):ihih:

I wish I was evil.:devil:
You are, but unfortunately, Vengeful God smites you and you go to Hell, where Satan destroys your soul for being more evil than he.

I wish I had a dollar.

PS Ocdan, what's wrong with that!?
You get yor dollar, but find out that you can only ever have a dollar at a time, no more no less.

I wish I had a endless supply of Fat-free TimTams...yeah, why not
The time machine is the only one in existence EVER and can only take you forward 2000 years at a time so everyone you know and love is dead.

I wish I could pwn in my free time without becoming obsessed.
I wish I could pwn in my free time without becoming obsessed.

Granted, but free time includes night, meaning no sleep. You die for tiredness, as pwning is not sleeping. <--I know what im talking about :p

I wish that I had a jetpack