Corrupt a wish

Your really hot girlfriend is a transvestite

I wish that I had this wish doesn't come true
...too bad...

I wish Dumbass would actually try and make my wish interesting
you get your fish. But it bitesa your finger off every time you put your hand over the dish to feed it ir give it clean water. You soon loose all your fingers and your fish dies of starvation.

I wish to live forever.
you live forever but as you age you get heart attacks and other things but still don't die...and you get mega wrinkles

I wish i knew the meaning of life
You find the meaning of life

but its not very interesting at all and you realise you wasted your life searching when you could have been surfing or sumthin

I wish for 3 more wishes
you do stop time and everything stops still forever ....oh great well thanks for that !

I wish I could control time
you can control time. but you can only go back 1 second at a time, and it takes 599 hours for your power to come back after you use it.

i wish i had ssbb
you got it for a second and then i vanished

i wish i had a glass of milk right now.that doesn't poisen me,appears in my hands,doesn't vanish,