Darkside Chronicles and Dead Space Extraxction need online support


WiiChat Member
Jan 27, 2009
I'm still dissapointed that these games will both be on-rails, but I've been thinking if they're to be on-rails, they need to be loaded up with features in order to be made worth the purchase to Wii owners.

- Online co-op
- Voice chat (WiiSpeak)
- Leaderboards

Now this won't change the gameplay from on-rails, but it may make one of these games worth the purchae this holiday season, when both games are due out.

Hopefully Capcom and EA implemet a deep online aspect. Both developers/publishers for each game seem interested in giving the on-rails genre an overhaul.

It helps that RE5 featured online co-op as probably what Capcom inteded to be the main mode of play and Capcom has already been quoted saying that RE: DC would have a "deep co-op mode" which could be a hint to online. Also, Onlsalught a not-on-rails FPS for Wiiware featured online co-op. If Onslaught can have online co-op then there is no excuse why these bigger budget, made by bigger teams games can't.

So, is there anything else the developers could add in to make at least one of these games a "buy" for you?
They need to be full-on FPSs with online support...
RE5 as is = Fail :mad5:

we need RE5 with Dead space (360) control style....:O

Don't talk to me about the rush you feel with RE5 control you can feel the same with Dead Space without shitty control and stupid IA partner.

PS: don't say i don't like RE i own all of theme from RE0 to RE4....:D

We need evolution in gaming...i deal with these control in 2005 i can't accept them in 2009!!!!

Dead space doesn't need anything else it is perfect as is. For sure it's always fun to have Coop but Bioshock was amazing too without it so....:eek:


I'm so angry to get RE on-rail...I want a new RE with wiimote control or Dead space control!!!! PLZ

I love dead space but i think extraction will sucks for me...I really hate RE umbrella chronicle a brought back to the store pretty fast!!! So i don't think i'd like extraction...i will try it but...
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Online co-op for both would be great and would make them must buy's for me, Wii Speak would be icing on the cake.

RE5 is great by the way, at least in my opinion.
I completely agree my friend!!
Nintendo put some features on Wii games like the Wi-Fi connection and WiiSpeak to Third-parties use it!!
Come-on Third-parties and start taking advantage of these features!!
Also, we need a TROPHY SYSTEM or a MARK SYSTEM to share online with others around the world the records of your favorite Wii games.
There's barely a difference between DS and RE5/4 controls. Infact the first time I played RE5 it reminded me alot of Dead Space becuase of the controls.
There's barely a difference between DS and RE5/4 controls. Infact the first time I played RE5 it reminded me alot of Dead Space becuase of the controls.

What are you talking about!!!! IN RE4/5 you can't move while shooting!!!:yikes:

Did you play Dead Space !?! Of course there is some similarity, like ammunition management etc...

But at least in Dead Space you're personna doesn't move like a robot and you have a third person view while shooting and not over the shoulder view like RE4/5. this is pretty useful to walk around an enemy and shoot him while moving.

With this stupid over the shoulder view you can't see nothing on your side and you can't move while aiming.:nono:

This is a big difference in gaming experience.:smilewinkgrin::crazy:
I'm sick of this attitude in the Wii community that On-Rails= Bad Game. There is nothing that says an On-Rail shooter can't be fun. In fact when done correctly (and only when done correctly) an rail shooter can be just as fun (if not more fun) than an FPS. I think you all would probably be complaining either way. They re-made Dead Rising (without putting it on-rails) and everyone was angry at this watered down Wiimake. Yet when developers want to make the game different from its HD counterparts you still complain and say your "dissapointed". I swear majority of the Wii hardcore crowd is the most hard to please, picky gaming demographic to ever exist.
In fact when done correctly (and only when done correctly) an rail shooter can be just as fun (if not more fun) than an FPS

You're either absolutely joking, or you don't have a serious track record with FPS games
I.E. playing them online competitively.
FPS takes a lot more skill - especially with an online component.
If you just have trouble with FPS games, you shouldn't publicly run around and say 'Rail Shooters can be more fun'.
That's asinine and we all know that.
( why do you think everyone's all upset here )

They re-made Dead Rising (without putting it on-rails) and everyone was angry at this watered down Wiimake.

That's because us Wii owners understand the fact that our system isn't anywhere near as powerful as it's next gen counterparts..
Which truthfully pisses everyone off and there's not much we can do about it.
We're obviously playing it for the Nintendo Franchises, the unique controller methods and so forth.
So yeah, a watered down port should take some heat.
My honest opinion about CTYD is that it's better in MY opinion, because I rather have less ( but smarter ) zombies and no retarded picture taking..
but that's just me - I totally see why people wouldn't like that.

I swear majority of the Wii hardcore crowd is the most hard to please

Well that makes SENSE don't it?
Plus speaking specifically about M Rated games, we don't get those too often.
When something like Dead Space is announced, but then the 'Rail Shooter' element is thrown at us - that absolutely sucks, and most of us understand that.
Well they're not and they're not gonna be, thus leaving everyone extremely disappointed..
We know you're upset.. but your input needs be more creative.
I'm going to get attacked by you in every thread we both post in aren't I?
You're either absolutely joking, or you don't have a serious track record with FPS games
I.E. playing them online competitively.
FPS takes a lot more skill - especially with an online component.
If you just have trouble with FPS games, you shouldn't publicly run around and say 'Rail Shooters can be more fun'.
That's asinine and we all know that.
( why do you think everyone's all upset here )
1. I have a pretty good track record with online FPS's. I was among the top 50 players in Turok at one point, and I am pretty good at Unreal Tournament 3.
2. I realize FPS takes more skill but that doesn't make them more fun automatically.
3.If I have trouble with FPS's then how come All of my 360 games (except Gears of War) are FPS. (Which is in my sig so you should know.)

That's because us Wii owners understand the fact that our system isn't anywhere near as powerful as it's next gen counterparts..
Which truthfully pisses everyone off and there's not much we can do about it.
Which is exactly my point. If Dead Space were to be a port of the 360 version it wouldn't be as good, the critics would give it 5-7/10 ratings, and everyone would be pissed off. So why not just be happy that they attempted to do something different with the game.

p.s. In the end this is a matter of personal preference. If I believe a rail shooter "can" (emphasis on "can", I didn't use the word "is") be more fun than an FPS then that's my business and has no correlation to my feelings toward or "track record" with FPS's.
1. I have a pretty good track record with online FPS's. I was among the top 50 players in Turok at one point, and I am pretty good at Unreal Tournament 3.
2. I realize FPS takes more skill but that doesn't make them more fun automatically.
3.If I have trouble with FPS's then how come All of my 360 games (except Gears of War) are FPS. (Which is in my sig so you should know.)

Which is exactly my point. If Dead Space were to be a port of the 360 version it wouldn't be as good, the critics would give it 5-7/10 ratings, and everyone would be pissed off. So why not just be happy that they attempted to do something different with the game.

p.s. In the end this is a matter of personal preference. If I believe a rail shooter "can" (emphasis on "can", I didn't use the word "is") be more fun than an FPS then that's my business and has no correlation to my feelings toward or "track record" with FPS's.
He's just a troll. Ignore him.

In other news, the only games I want to be on-rails is HotD series and Starfox.
He's just a troll. Ignore him.

In other news, the only games I want to be on-rails is HotD series and Starfox.

OH YES!!!! I would love to see a new Starfox game. That was one of the best On- Rail shooters ever!!!! I think if a series is done right it can make a good rail shooter. I personally think because of the limb dimemberment thing Dead Space is a perfect fit for a rail shooter. And Darkside Chronicles new "Dramatic" camera looks like it could bring that much needed survival horror twist to the rail shooting genre. I think both of these games will do just fine.

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