Do you think???


Jul 14, 2006
Is there a possibility that Wii games will have an in game option to use the Classic Controller as oppose to the Nunchuk Wiimote?

I think that would be kinda cool, so if you're feeling kinda tired and don't want the workout that the Nunchuk Wiimote gives you...

Wii software/game programers should take this into serious consideration, if so the Wii would definitely have more advantge over the competition having the best of both worlds (Nunchuk=innovation, fun and more control Classic=for people who don't want change, lazy, and would attrack people who were considering buying a PS3 & XBox 360)...

Just some thought!
Yeah, I proposed the ability to use either the Wiimote/nunchuk or the Gamecube controller in another thread, but people there brought up some good points.

It would make developing a game take a LOT longer because they would have to program for two completly different controllers. This would mean twice as much testing, bug fixing, etc.

This would also mean the cost of making a Wii game would increase and that's not good because Wii is has a lot of publishers intrested thanks to Wii not needing features like 5.1 Surround Sound and HD content.

Thus, developers could also justify charging maybe $60 per game like Xbox 360 and (presumably) PS3 will.

Personally, I would like the option in cases where a game developer doesn't do a very good job utilizing the wiimote/nunchuk controller (which will inevitibly happen).

Who knows, I might be wrong about the problems it would cause and in that case, I would be even happier with Wii.
Well, why I dont think that you would be too tired to use the wiimote. . . I think that there will definitely be some people who prefer to play some or even all games with a more traditional controller. . .ie the classic controller for VC or more likely the Game Cube controller. So that would be a good bet that most game developers will include a standard controller mode in their game controller options. So if people want to use regular controller then they should be able to use it in just about every game that isnt unique to the wiimote's features. . . but come on, who would be too tired to wave around a 5oz. controller - it doesnt actually require much real effort to move it since there is no resistance or anthing other than the weight. But also remember that Nintendo has said that large exagerated motions as well as small abreviated motions should be registered in the same way on the games. So if youre feeling frisky - swing your whole arm, and lean into it too while youre at it - but if you are tired, then you should be able to accomplish the same thing by just flicking your wrist.
NateTheGreat said:
Yeah, I proposed the ability to use either the Wiimote/nunchuk or the Gamecube controller in another thread, but people there brought up some good points.

It would make developing a game take a LOT longer because they would have to program for two completly different controllers. This would mean twice as much testing, bug fixing, etc.

I dont see how it could cost much more to develop for different controllers. A lot of games already develop for different consoles regardless of their different CPU's and controller architecture. Also, most games allow players to configure their button preferences in an options menu. I dont see how developing for the Wiimote and the gamecube controller would be much different - other than the fact that the Wiimote has some more dynamic aspects to it. So i think, slightly more complex than what has been done before, but certainly not a huge cost. Of course I havent a clue about developing so I could be entirely wrong.
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I just want the option to use the Classic Controller in case I don't get use to using the Nunchuk/Wiimote.:tard:

And again I think this would attrack alot of potential PS3 and XBox 360 buyers too...

Nintendo is in a battle with to power houses in the gaming industry, something has to be done about flexibility if they want to win this next-gen gaming war.

*And these comment are not intended in any bad way, please no arguments*
Oh yeah!! I completly forgot, a PC user isn't limited to just a keyboard and mouse. There are TONS of controllers, all very different (some even have motion sensors) and you can choose to use that instead.

Wow, how did I forget that. Thanks, phiggey; now I have hope.:D

I'm just thinking, wouldn't it be cool if you could use any USB controller whether it be a keyboard and mouse or something like the Xbox 360 controller? I know it's far fetched, but it would be pretty revolutionary; what Nintendo is going for.

I remember there was this adapter I saw a few years ago for the Gamecube that allowed you to play using the PS2 controller. While I have no idea why people would ever want to use that horrendous controller, it shows that Nintendo might be open to more than a few playing styles. Here is a link to what I'm talking about, if you don't believe me.
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Yeah, now we're getting somewhere...

So can any you guys get this info to Nintendo head office?:lol:
Nemix said:
Is there a possibility that Wii games will have an in game option to use the Classic Controller as oppose to the Nunchuk Wiimote?

I think that would be kinda cool, so if you're feeling kinda tired and don't want the workout that the Nunchuk Wiimote gives you...

Wii software/game programers should take this into serious consideration, if so the Wii would definitely have more advantge over the competition having the best of both worlds (Nunchuk=innovation, fun and more control Classic=for people who don't want change, lazy, and would attrack people who were considering buying a PS3 & XBox 360)...

Just some thought!

you shouldn't even be gaming if your tired, do you read manuals?(just kiddin' 'bout the manuals:) )
I personally think its not a good idea, Who gets tired with the Wiimote? I gess no one does, and in fact is more tired playing with the hands quite the same possition than with aa movement sensor!
Kakashi said:
you shouldn't even be gaming if your tired, do you read manuals?(just kiddin' 'bout the manuals:) )
yeah but on a serious note if your too tired to use the wii-mote then maybe you have been playing too long and need to check into the gamers clinic:tard:, you could smuggle in the game and watch series, small enough to hide through minor surgery:wtf:, then charge for people to play it, you'll make a fortune and really aren't a dealer, just a leaser:scared:... right?
Universal USB Controllers

The only problem with letting the Wii use a whole bunch of USB controllers is that they would have to have software designed to transfer the functions. After time, this software would probably clog up the Wii and you would have to resort to a bunch of memory cards - remember that the wii only has 512MB of flash memory - so a bunch of controllers would be kinda rough unless they were designed for specific games which were already configured to use the specified controller.
why would you want to anyway, it seems that most of the games for the Wii promotes using the the wiimote. Like Why would you want to play Project H.A.M.M.E.R with the Classic Controller, it would feel dead. What about Wii Sports it would feel stupid swinging a baseball with that stupid batting system.
What about WarioWare Smooth Moves, you need the wiimote for that game. I guess games like Super Mario Galaxy you don't really need the Wiimote but the classic controller would take the fun out of it.
I think the only games that will give you the option to use the wiimote or classic controller are multiplatform games.
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Dudes quit gettin' on my case, it's just a thought...

And yeah it would be great if Wii programers can give users the option of choosing between the Nunchuk Wiimote and the Classic Controller.

Some of us just might not like to use the Nunchuk Wiimote!:rolleyes:

On FPS games on consoles for instance: Some games on the PS2 allow you to both use the PS2 controler or the optional keybaord/mouse. Computer users will most likely use the keybaord/mouse layout but that can't be said for everyone who plays the game, some people are used to the PS2 controller (and yeah some people still don't own computers):rolleyes:

If you guys can't afford a freakin' classic controller for the Wii just say so.:tard:

I'm sorry if this has become and something of an attack 'fiesta', but don't nail people on every word they say. No ones freakin' perfect!:mad:

You guys seriously need to get out some more. Oh yeah I forgot, the computer and games is your life. Try getting a women for a change.

Being tired was just an excuse. Giving users options, flexibility, expandiability and functionality that has a future!
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I'm sorry that I gave you the idea that I was flaming you but I was just saying that some of the games for the wii don't really need an option because the wiimote makes it easier like in mp3: corruption or red steel why would you want to use a controller when you could just point and shoot. But I agree with you on how some games do need the option like madden 07 becuz some people might not want to use the wiimote to throw a ball or sack or kick a field goal when you can just press a button. But it really depends on the game. But I think most people wouldn't care if there isn't and option cuz the reason people are so excited for the Wii is becuase of the innovative gameplay.
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Supermariomp3 said:
I gave you the idea that I was nailing you

That sounds kinda gay:lol:

It's alright man, guess just having a bad day. And my bad for whip lashin' you guys like that. Check out my introduction. Currently Sony gamer switchin' back to Nintendo. I want just like every other person on this forum for Nintendo to come back and take it's rightful crown as king of the gaming industry.

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