Doctor Who


Feb 6, 2007
In Scotland
Wii Online Code
Hey there
Anyone a Doctor who fan
Do you like the new seires comared to the old one
and who is you're favorite doctor/companion
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I love the new series, I've never realy seen much of the oldies...

Out of the new two doctors Tennant is my favorite hough, I just love how frantic he can get at times, like a hyper child.

But yeah, I love Doctor Who :D
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/Yeh my favorite is either david tennant or who was the third doctor oh yeh Jon Pertwee or something like that
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I know
that episode was so good
but don't say anything i dont think america are at the same part as us
Not able to watch the new series due to work commitments........ grew up with Tom Baker's scarf. Possibly the finest piece of wardrobe ever. Hated Sylvester McCoy and Peter Davidson...... so little to like about either of their interpretations.
Please PLEASE don't kill off the master BBC...hes just as incredible as the Doctor, they would make awesome rivals who occsionly cross paths.
Tom Baker was easily the best Doctor. Out of the two new Doctors, I preferred Christopher Eccleston- Tennant irritates me a little.

Jay61 said:
Please PLEASE don't kill off the master BBC...hes just as incredible as the Doctor, they would make awesome rivals who occsionly cross paths.

He must have been "killed off" about half a trillion times now? :lol:
If they want to bring him back, they'll work out a way.
I am also a Doctor Who fan and my favourite Doctor has to be David Tennant. Like Jay mentioned a few posts up, his expressions and his actions are the most entertaining to watch.

The new third series (current one) has dissapointed me, the new series 1 and 2 were good but this third hasn't been very good I mean it's ok but still. . .
The dalek plot was stupidly rubbish imo, turning daleks into humans:lol:

The thing that makes it all better is Captain Jack, he rock's.

For those who watch torchwood, this is very confusing.

In the end of torchwood season 1, you hear the tardis, you see jack leave the room smiling, then you hear tardis again, then you see the room, nothing there, only paper and stuff blown around, But in doctor who Jack jumped onto the tardis, can this be explained?

Meh, Torchwood season 2 soon:)

cammy, fancy doing the first post a little better?

oh, Tom Baker or david tennant FTW!

I got a scarf this christmas and my mum mentioned that it resembles tom baker:lol:
Yellow_Wii said:
i hate doctor who, bah humbug


But you love torchwood, if no I would have to find you and bring you back to torchwood 3 for some. . .erm. . .umm. . .Questioning:D
i dont get the torchwood/dw thing because tuh tardis must have landed inside the torchwood building but jack goes outside to dive on it, also did anyone else notice the references to saxon from series 1 of dw and torchwood
the_goon said:
i dont get the torchwood/dw thing because tuh tardis must have landed inside the torchwood building but jack goes outside to dive on it, also did anyone else notice the references to saxon from series 1 of dw and torchwood

Where are the refrences?
I preferred it when it was Christopher Eccleston and Billy Piper