EA Expects Wii To Retail For $170


Apr 30, 2006
Electronic Arts has revealed it expects the Nintendo Wii to retail in the US for around $170.

VP and COO of EA's worldwide studios David Gardner said, "I've heard in Japan that the price is about $170, but I don't know if the price has been set in Europe yet."

Source: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=19149

Seems a day cant pass without a Wii related pricing rumour, fingers crossed this wont be the case after wednesday.
$170 is so low that anyone will buy it, even if they don't know what it is! I wonder what the production cost for the Wii is, it can't be very much at all if they are making profit at that price.
Wow, $170 is an amazing price.
I wouldnt doubt if they bumped it up to $200 which is still a damn good price. Much more appealing than a useless $600 product coming out soon.
KuRaNiMo said:
$170 is so low that anyone will buy it, even if they don't know what it is! I wonder what the production cost for the Wii is, it can't be very much at all if they are making profit at that price.

With the console you don't need to sell for a profit, you can sell the console itself for a loss and make a profit form the games and peripherals. I mean you only buy one console but you buy lots of games. Plus think how much a game costs to make, even if it costs a couple of million divided amongst the disks you can still sell them for peanuts and make a profit.

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