Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn

GoD will probably use American voices. But the game is definitely in English. ;) I'm not saddened at all by FE10 not using motion sensing. When you think about it, it really doesn't make much difference (if at all). What's the point of having "point and click" controls when classic controls work just as well?
Thanks you guys for finally answering my question. I'm so glad its in English just because I think I'll enjoy it more that way if I hear and understand the emotion behind their words. Anyways as for the controller I think Motion Sensing would have been cool to have for the game in terms of puzzles, sword fights, using bow and arrow. I dunno they could have done a lot with it and still added in the Classic Controller option for those of you who don't like the new innovative Wiimote. I honestly don't understand why people keep insisting on using the Classic Controller even the Wii is based on changing the way of gaming thru the Wiimote....
Fire Emblem is a stratrgy RPG, FYI. That means you as the player merely direct the characters. You do not actually fight or influence fights directly at all. So the only way to "innovate" FE is to use "point and click", which is pointless considering that speed is not a factor and the classics work just as well, if not better.