Gameboy and Gameboy Color Games for the Virtual Console


Sonic expert
Jan 25, 2009
Wii Online Code
I had a thread of this before the Apocolypse.

So, if it was maybe, say 500 points (same as NES games) would you like this addition? I personally can't believe it hasn't been done yet. I'd love some Red & Blue or Links' Awakening on the VC.

yeah i think it would be a pretty good idea.make gb color games about 800 or 600 so that i can finally get rid of those 100 wii points that always seem to be on my wii haha. maybe dsi?
I was going to post something similar. My guess is that since GBA is still "around," perhaps Nintendo wants people to buy the system as opposed to downloadable games? What do you think?
Its coming to the DSi.

Which, to be fair, is entirely the right place for them. I've got the GB adapter for the SNES and it isn't the same as playing the games on a handheld.
Which, to be fair, is entirely the right place for them. I've got the GB adapter for the SNES and it isn't the same as playing the games on a handheld.

I know what you mean. I think GBA games are also coming to the virtual console on the DSi. I hope they put the Castlevania games on it. I still have my old copies, however, I only have my Gameboy Player(for my Gamecube). I sold my DS lite and Gameboy SP.
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Is it just Gameboy or is it Gameboy color aswell?
What do you mean gameboy player for your gamecube? gamecube plays gameboy games? eh? :)
dude. gameboy games would be sick. i loved the mario party i had for my gameboy advance. it was awesome :] and they should bring it to wii not just DSi (cause im not a DS fan, dont like touch screens)
Jeez, I gotta get my sister to get a DSi, and when she's not looking, I'll play some Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. :D

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