Gamecube Controllers with Virtual Console

tonyr1988 said:
No one around here has a classic controller in stock, and I've never owned a Gamecube (hence, no games / controllers / memory cards), but I'd like to play SM64 + others. Should I get a GC controller or wait until classic controllers are in stock?

Get a Nintendo Wavebird Gamecube Controller. It works flawlessly with VC games; not to mention you can use it with GC games which you can get for cheap if you wanted to.

DON'T Buy third-party GC controllers. . .compatibility is not guaranteed.
does anyone think they'll put Ocarana of Time on the VC? i have that promo disc for the GC, but they'll make mad moola for sure!
I don't see Donkey Kong Country as a VC... is it really there?

sammeh86 said:
Little problem coming between me and my enjoyment of donkey kong country :frown2:

When I get a couple of VC games downloaded (Goldenaxe and DK country), the gamecube controller won't work with them.
DKC just tells me to plug in the classic controller.

The pads work with gamecube games in the wii so it's not that.
I've looked through all the settings and can't find anything that I could change to help.

Any help would be really appreciated, i've spent ages looking online for an answer.

~ Sam
That bites when different countries have different titles. Just roll them out worldwide so we ALL can play them.

Look forward to when the WiiPlay Online feature kicks Xbox butt!

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