Gamecube Controllers


Jan 1, 2007
Okay I need some advice on some gamecube controllers.

Ive heard from many sources that the best way to go when it comes to gamecube controllers is to get 4 wavebirds. Dont get me wrong, I think the wavebirds are great, other than one thing: Rumble. This may not seem like a big deal, but sometimes I just feel like playing with rumble on, and with 4 wavebirds you have no choice.
So, the main question is has anyone ever seen/heard of a wireless controller with rumble capability. I really think there is no such thing for the gamecube, but hell, why not ask. I really like the Madcatz wireless microcon, but again, no rumble. So I was thinking about getting a Madcatz microcon (with a wire, which really annoys me) but that has rumble, along with 3 wavebirds.

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^Pure opinion, and my opinion is that it does add to certain games, so I'd appreciate if you would stay on topic.
Borch712ers said:
^Pure opinion, and my opinion is that it does add to certain games, so I'd appreciate if you would stay on topic.

I was stating my opinion as a reply to the topic since you asked for "Thoughts". Deal with it baby.
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Borch712ers said:

Thoughts can also be easily considered opinions. So essentially you implied opinion.

csiguy4u said:
Rumble doesn't add anything to the games; I prefer the reliablity of the Wavebird and the lack of cords over everything else.

csiguy gives his opinion. If you thought he was impressing his own thoughts upon you then that is not his problem. He merely responds to the post.

Borch712ers said:
^Pure opinion, and my opinion is that it does add to certain games, so I'd appreciate if you would stay on topic.

Yes it is pure opinion but he was entirely within his rights to give3 you his opinion seeing as you asked for it.

Lets just keep everything clear. This is like the thread where someone asks something to the tune of "Are there any mature games coming out for me Wii?" I respond saying "Take a look at Sadness " he shoots back "That game isn't out yet so it doesn't count".

It just seems that sometimes people throw all logic out the window.
The only times I've gotten Madcatz controllers, I've been sorely disappointed. Broken down on me after only a few hours use.

If you want rumble, I'd suggest getting a standard GameCube controller...if that's too expensive (doubt it if you're willing to get wavebirds), you could always get one used.

EDIT: For the record, I think rumble also adds to the immersion of the experience. It's more of a passive thing than active, of course, but Wii remotes wouldn't be the same without rumble. It'd feel less authentic.
I got a madcatz, controller and a memory card as i picked up FF:CC and WWE DoR, and they both work great. Plus it was 8 dollars for the controller and 9 for the memory card, as opposed to 20 and 30 respectively. Plus, you'll need one for SSBB. Soon as i get back from vacation this weekend, i plan on buyin a wavebird, so if you are still wondering by then, ill be sure to let you know 8).

Oh and haha all you guys arguin just got PwNd. :thumbsup:
Buy the Intec pair off of Amazon

I bought a pair of Intec wireless gamecube controllers off of Amazon for about $30 shipped. They have rumble that you can turn off and on. Probably need to make sure they can have four different frequencies though. You could probably buy two Intec's that have rumble and two Wavebirds for when you need four controllers.

The Intec's work great and the wireless and rumble features are great.
I bought 2 gamestop wireless controllers for $20 a piece, and they work great so far. No complaints.
redhawk said:
I bought a pair of Intec wireless gamecube controllers off of Amazon for about $30 shipped. They have rumble that you can turn off and on. Probably need to make sure they can have four different frequencies though. You could probably buy two Intec's that have rumble and two Wavebirds for when you need four controllers.

The Intec's work great and the wireless and rumble features are great.

I think redhawk is referring to these:

They got pretty high reviews and for only $25 bucks for 2 of them, I'm prob gonna order them. I've been meaning to get some gamecube controllers, but didn't want to spend a fortunte and didn't want wires.

I'll let you know what they're like, although reading the reviews on Amazon it seems like a no brainer.
Yes, those are the ones I'm talking about. Me and the wife been playing MK64 all week without a hitch. They work great and I would recommend them. Why spend $30 for one, when you can get two for $25 and they have RUMBLE too.

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