GDC News! The Storage solution availble now and more!


Old School Master
Aug 14, 2007
the SD storage solution is now downloadable - GO UPDATE your Wii!

Finally, talking about an answer to save more content on Wii. Presumably the SD card access. Bill Trinen from NOA takes the stage to show off "a menu." An SD card icon is now located on the bottom-left corner on the Wii Channel interface. Click on it and it'll take you to a Wii Channel area that scrolls 20 times over, allowing you to save up to 200 games. Wii System Menu 4 is the name of this update and it supports high capacity SD cards up to 32BS. You can now download content directly to an SD card now. And you can also launch content directly off the SD card. Sweet gods, thank you!

Arcade VC is available to download today - Download games like Space Harrier, Mappy, Druaga, Star Force, Emeraldia, and more. Much more

New Zelda game for DS - Link is riding in on a train. Wind Waker style. Awesomeness supreme. Link is able to direct a sidekick character, an armor-clad warrior, with the stylus. Fights huge crab-like boss. It's called The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Will be available later this year.

Square and VC/wiiware - Square Enix is publishing My Life As a Darklord for WiiWare. Later this year. And Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, also coming in 2009. Final Fantasy is also coming to the Virtual Console. More details from Square Enix this week.
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Download games like Spce Harrier,
I hope thats a typo and you meant space harrier
If not they'd better GET READY to be sent to the fantasy zone
New Zelda game for DS - Link is riding in on a train. Wind Waker style. Awsomeness supreme. Link is able to direct a sidekick character, an armor-clad warrior, with the stylus. Fights huge crab-like boss. It's called The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Will be available later this year.
New Zeldas are always welcome
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it was a typo~ lol. i just copied and pasted Matt. C's ( live blog from the show.

these are the Arcade games available today to download.

- Gaplus, a Namco Bandai shooter more commonly known as "Galaga 3"
- Mappy, a Namco Bandai platformer starring a mouse police officer
- Star Force, a scrolling shooter developed by Tehkan
- The Tower of Druaga, a Namco maze game
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Works well as a solution to the problem of storage. It says on (the UK site has NOTHING about this) that the save games must be on the internal memory but the channels can be on the SD card. Here's a video of the new feature in action.

it says.. "to load a game from the sd card it will temporarily utilize the wii system memory"... does that mean you still need some memory available to launch it?
it says.. "to load a game from the sd card it will temporarily utilize the wii system memory"... does that mean you still need some memory available to launch it?

Yes. It still copies the entire game into the system memory, and then launches it. The solution is basically only making a shortcut key macro for "copy to system memory then run". Essentially, a portion of your internal memory must now be set aside to use as a swap file for running your games that are stored on an SD card.

So, figure out the size of the largest game you have, and make sure to leave at least that much space free on the internal memory.
Basically buy a large SDHC card, redownload everything to the SD-Card and only download to the card and play from the card. Then you will always have enough main memory.

Of course this does not cover saved games, but they don't take up much space. So I don't think it would hurt to leave game saves in main-memory.
Yeah, that Digital200 predicted finnaly happen!!
First for anyone, the new storage system works like a cache system; you store your VC, Wiiware, channels, etc to the SDHC card and when you start the Wii system memory caches the data allowing for fastest transfer, this means the contend is still on the SD card. Second some people have issues, that it becose the TYPE OF SD CARD, I recomend you use the Sandisk brand that is fully compatible with Nintendo systems. Third, if you see the storage process slow and playing process is fast it's again becose the SD card type, IF YOU REALLY WANT SPEED, BUY THE 15X SPEED SDHC. I heve one and the transfer access is fastest for both storage and playing. Also I recomend you it's better purchase a 32GB SDHC than a 8GB or 16GB, you say the 8GB is enought. But not is enought, becose if you know the DLC OF THE XBOX360 GAMES COMES FROM 650MB TO 1.5GB, this means if the third-parties will start to launch DLC for Wii games you already need big storage space. Why you need to have some SD cards instead you only use one for all contend. Finnaly Harmonix and Neversoft need to launch a pach to solve the GH:WT and RB2 downloable tracks isuess with the SDHC...
Yeah, that Digital200 predicted finnaly happen!!
First for anyone, the new storage system works like a cache system; you store your VC, Wiiware, channels, etc to the SDHC card and when you start the Wii system memory caches the data allowing for fastest transfer, this means the contend is still on the SD card. Second some people have issues, that it becose the TYPE OF SD CARD, I recomend you use the Sandisk brand that is fully compatible with Nintendo systems. Third, if you see the storage process slow and playing process is fast it's again becose the SD card type, IF YOU REALLY WANT SPEED, BUY THE 15X SPEED SDHC. I heve one and the transfer access is fastest for both storage and playing. Also I recomend you it's better purchase a 32GB SDHC than a 8GB or 16GB...

MAN!!! What ever happened to that digital 200 guy!!??
He was SPOT ON!! Plus he always knew the Wii's potential all along!!!

I'm likin' Menu 4.0. My only real gripe is that they didn't integrate the SD menu with the main one. I thought that was their intention all along. 2 menus will began to confuse folks especially the casuals!! haha...

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