Gh:wt -> rb2?


WiiChat Member
Jan 25, 2009
Hi folks,
Guitar Hero World Tour is our first music game. We've had a blast working our way through it. I'm on my third way through, starting at easy then medium and now hard (which I'm finding hard. :D ) I actually did some easy and medium twice when I switched to lefty. I'm thinking about expanding our horizons.

I've heard that the Rock Band 2 game works with GH:WT instruments and also that RB2 is a better game, so that seems like a natural progression. Has anyone done that? Another possibility would be th borrow our son's copy of GH3. I could also loosen up the purse strings and spend some money on DLC as well. And when RB: Beatles comes out, that's a definite buy. (Zep or Floyd would also fit in that camp, along with Tom Petty, John Hiatt, Steve Earle, Clapton, Winwood, CCR ... but I digress :D )

I'm curious if anyone has followed that path and how happy they were.

Rock Band 2 is largley considered the better game, however they're both good. Guitar Hero 3 is very good as well, it only supports the guitar however. (not sure if you use the whole band or not)
I have to say that I prefer GH:WT over Rock Band 2. I like the drum setup far more than the drum setup for RB2. I think WT is a bit more challenging than RB2, even though I have yet to play any of the songs on RB2 on Expert Guitar.
I have both Guitar Hero World Tour and Rock Band 2. All of my World Tour instruments (Drums, Guitar, Microphone) work with Rock Band 2 flawlessly.

I prefer Rock Band 2 over Guitar Hero World Tour because it feels like smoother gameplay to me, and I prefer its tracklist over World Tours' (Although World Tour has a great sound track).

Also, Rock Band 2 is slowly starting to get a lot of downloadble content, and will have the same amount of content for download the other consoles have (I don't know when that will be).

So in short, go ahead and buy Rock Band 2.
i was a skeptic too, until i finally gave in and bought rb2 on sale at circuit city (RIP). it just feels smoother and simpler than world tour, and it's got better multiplayer options, DLC, and a drum trainer.

in short, RB2 > GH:WT.
if they would only bring rock band 2 out in australia.

can anyone confirm or deny that the world tour instruments work with rock band 1 on the wii?
I think GHWT is better. The timing window on RB2 completely sucks, as well as its instruments. I played it at my cousin's house, and it was frustrating because I could have done better with a WT guitar on the WT engine.
I think GHWT is better. The timing window on RB2 completely sucks, as well as its instruments. I played it at my cousin's house, and it was frustrating because I could have done better with a WT guitar on the WT engine.

rb2 using wt instruments = win.

this is not up for debate. this is scientific fact.
Hi folks,
And when RB: Beatles comes out, that's a definite buy. (Zep or Floyd would also fit in that camp, along with Tom Petty, John Hiatt, Steve Earle, Clapton, Winwood, CCR ... but I digress :D )


Keep in mind that Harmonix has stated that the Beatles game scheduled for late 2009 is not Rock Band: Beatles, but a completely different game. They haven't yet said how it will be different, however...

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