Goldeneye007 Re-Release?


WiiChat Member
Jul 21, 2009
You know since it's been announced that the Xbox360 is getting Perfect Dark on the Arcade with updated graphics and online play I must say I'm surprised these forums haven't been in an uproar demanding Goldeneye007 to come out for the Wii.

I'll be up front here and say I don't have a Wii, I have a 360 but I'm just curious as to why there haven't seemed to have been much demand for this classic best-selling shooter that was one of the greatest FPSes of all time. From what I understand we haven't seen Goldeneye because of agreement issues between Microsoft and Nintendo.

I wish MS and Nintendo would come to terms, put it out for both systems and make it a win-win for everybody. Forget the legal and licensing issues! The only way I've been able to enjoy the golden days has been playing PD and Goldeneye on my N64 here and I'd love for both to follow with updated looks and online capability.

I'm a bit biased though, I rather have PD than Goldeneye but I'd want both even more so everyone can enjoy these hallmark games that still put some modern shooters to shame. :ciappa:
Another Goldeneye thread.

Reposting the following words

Microsoft own Rare
Rare hold the license for the N64 version of Goldeneye
Nintendo want it unchanged on the Wii but Rare want to upgrade it

To put it simply Nintendo are the reason why its not out yet
Don't care anyway as I think its very overrated and Perfect Dark is better.
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Rather odd Nintendo wouldn't want it upgraded. The Wii ought to be able to handle it. Still, Goldeneye007 is a gem and while PD outperforms it in every category it's still a classic game.

You'd think Nintendo would be all butthurt now that PD64 is coming out and being upgraded.
If you look at all the Virtual console games
None of them have been upgraded or have had any small touches to them
Its almost criminal that games like Bomberman and Mario Kart don't have online
Even some basic games should at least have a online scoreboard
and this is why xbox live is the best online system by far. i mean i would pay the $40 a year for a wii service if it was as good as xbox live. xbox is releasing perfect dark this year and its upgraded to hd and looks awesome. street fighter 2 was also upgraded on xbox and looks awesome and is a highly rated game on metacritic. the funny thing is that the online components of these arcade games are better than mario kart, brawl etc online. nintendo needs to step up their online in their next does sony for that matter. 007 was awesome and i liked the campaign much better than perfect dark...thought the multiplayer of perfect dark was better though.
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If you look at all the Virtual console games
None of them have been upgraded or have had any small touches to them
Its almost criminal that games like Bomberman and Mario Kart don't have online
Even some basic games should at least have a online scoreboard

Aw man I remember playing some of Bomberman with my friends back in the day. It was hilarious kicking and throwing bombs at one another. Even Super Nintendo's Mario Kart was fun. And no online capability? That really is a crime.

The Wii may be a best selling console but Nintendo has got to get with the times..
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Actually from what I understand Microsoft purchased Rare, because they had a huge shareholding or something. Nintendo never had the company up for sale in the first place.

Still, Rare hasn't come out with anything decent on the 360 since then. And don't you dare mention Perfect Dark Zero. That game was an abomination to the PD franchise.
Actually from what I understand Microsoft purchased Rare, because they had a huge shareholding or something. Nintendo never had the company up for sale in the first place.

Still, Rare hasn't come out with anything decent on the 360 since then. And don't you dare mention Perfect Dark Zero. That game was an abomination to the PD franchise.
From what I understand, the founders of Rare were selling their shares to microsoft, their shares being 51%. Nintendo owned 49%, but there would be no point in Nintendo keeping hold of those shares, since Microsoft could vito any Rare game coming to Nintendo, since they owned the majority.

I too, would love for Goldeneye to come to the Wii. I don't really see it happening, and I'm just glad that the 360 is getting Perfect Dark. While it won't be the exact same experience as it was on the N64 (I loved the N64 controller, and I'm not as good with any duel analogue controllers, but I think I will enjoy it regardless), I do think it will be a good mix of new technology (smoother, better graphics, online play, etc...) and classic gameplay. Overall I can hardly wait!

I'm never sure of what to believe about things when it comes to Nintendo, because they're such a secretive company, they wouldn't comment whether it was their fault or not whether Goldeneye was axed because of them. After all, few people knew what was with the demise of Rare, and why Nintendo had mysteriously sold their shares...
Actually from what I understand Microsoft purchased Rare, because they had a huge shareholding or something. Nintendo never had the company up for sale in the first place.

Still, Rare hasn't come out with anything decent on the 360 since then. And don't you dare mention Perfect Dark Zero. That game was an abomination to the PD franchise.

And so Free Radical Design was born.
Free Radical is no more. What was left of them was bought by Crytek (the developers of Crysis). FR is now called Crytek UK.
007 goldeneye is one of my favourite classic games if any knows when or how i can get one sooner than the release date plz tell me
007 goldeneye is one of my favourite classic games if any knows when or how i can get one sooner than the release date plz tell me
Buying a second hand one online is probably the easiest way. ebay for example.

Alternatively, there is Goldeneye Source:

007 goldeneye is one of my favourite classic games if any knows when or how i can get one sooner than the release date plz tell me

There is no release date, it's not coming back out ever unless the various companies involved can come to an agreement (not likely)
o yeah i knew that hehe:wink: ok different question can i get it on my computer online

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