The Goldeneye Remake WILL Fail


WiiChat Member
Jul 21, 2009
I am 100% positive that once it releases, there will be those that wished they had just taken Rare's Goldeneye007 game and just updated the graphics. That's what we all wanted in the first place when it was in development for both consoles before shutting down, that's what we still want today.

This remake is an utter atrocity. It's a slap in the face to Rare and Nintendo should be ashamed at how it even looks. Aiming Down Sights? Auto-Regen health? No, that is not Goldeneye. They're just Call of Dutifying their best selling FPS since Perfect Dark.

Look at Perfect Dark XBLA. That is how you release a decade old game, that had reasonable success and sales (some $2 million dollars in sales in two months is not shabby).

You update the graphics, add online functionality, and that is it. You touch NOTHING else.

Rare's Goldeneye 007 will always reign supreme. I'll bet there won't even be cheats or speed runs in this one. Enjoy your re-made shooter that will rape your childhood folks!
You know fanboys moan when they dont get what they want then they moan when they do.
I am 100% positive that once it releases, there will be those that wished they had just taken Rare's Goldeneye007 game and just updated the graphics. That's what we all wanted in the first place when it was in development for both consoles before shutting down, that's what we still want today.
Rare have gone ****. Look at there last few games.
Activision don't have access to the original games source code so have to rebuild it from the ground up.
Rare still own the rights to the N64 game
This remake is an utter atrocity. It's a slap in the face to Rare and Nintendo should be ashamed at how it even looks.
Why care about how it looks?
Aiming Down Sights?
Yep like when sinping in the N64 one
Auto-Regen health?
Welcome to recent FPS'
You must be new
No, that is not Goldeneye.
Welcome to branding
You must be new
They're just Call of Dutifying their best selling FPS since Perfect Dark.
Since of before?

Look at Perfect Dark XBLA. That is how you release a decade old game, that had reasonable success and sales (some $2 million dollars in sales in two months is not shabby).
Thats because they had the source code at hand and tweaked it.
Major problem with it is its DL only

You update the graphics, add online functionality, and that is it. You touch NOTHING else.
But then still people complain.
You want a decent remake. Try King of Fighters 98 - Ultimate match.
A remake to somebody like me is more of the same, but with loads of extras and the original mode so we can play that as well
Rare's Goldeneye 007 will always reign supreme. I'll bet there won't even be cheats or speed runs in this one. Enjoy your re-made shooter that will rape your childhood folks!
Ill say this
Try playing GoldenEye now
Its not as good as you remember as it has been surpassed a load of times
I think you are too quick to judge this from a 60 second video.. i cant wait to play bond online, i mean i already do on steam but this will be better!
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You know fanboys moan when they dont get what they want then they moan when they do.
I'm only angry at the direction the game is going in. It's going to be generic like every other shooter.
Rare have gone ****. Look at there last few games.
Activision don't have access to the original games source code so have to rebuild it from the ground up.
Rare still own the rights to the N64 game
Even the most rabid Rare fanboy agrees to this, and I am saddened what they have become under Microsoft but they should just scrap this garbage and get both parties back to the negotiation table.
Why care about how it looks?
The graphics look fine, I don't like the Call of Duty style Aiming down Sights. You say you can do the same with a sniper rifle in GE 64 but there's a difference, that's just zooming in with the crosshair. Manual aiming in PD XBLA is fine (well it's fine now that they put in Manual Aiming Sensitivity) and shouldn't change, especially since it's going on the Wii.

You update the graphics, add online functionality, and that is it. You touch NOTHING else.
But then still people complain.

I wouldn't complain ,and Rare's fanbase wouldn't complain.

Ill say this
Try playing GoldenEye now
Its not as good as you remember as it has been surpassed a load of times

People still remember GE 007. While this may pay some homages to Rare, especially with the beginning of the Dam level, it's not going to be the same game. This game is highly likely not to have any speed runs (check youtube, there's still videos put out for GE007 and Perfect Dark for speed runs/cheats, etc. ) or cheats, and the cheats alone, IMO, gave tons of replayability for both games.
I'm only angry at the direction the game is going in. It's going to be generic like every other shooter.
But as we know.
All these newer shooters are the same. So why be different?
Even the most rabid Rare fanboy agrees to this, and I am saddened what they have become under Microsoft but they should just scrap this garbage and get both parties back to the negotiation table.
Nintendo are awkward
The graphics look fine, I don't like the Call of Duty style Aiming down Sights. You say you can do the same with a sniper rifle in GE 64 but there's a difference, that's just zooming in with the crosshair. Manual aiming in PD XBLA is fine (well it's fine now that they put in Manual Aiming Sensitivity) and shouldn't change, especially since it's going on the Wii.
I must point out that its on Wii so controlls and things will change
I wouldn't complain ,and Rare's fanbase wouldn't complain.
They will.
They will complain that it wont be the same without a N64 controller
People still remember GE 007. While this may pay some homages to Rare, especially with the beginning of the Dam level, it's not going to be the same game. This game is highly likely not to have any speed runs (check youtube, there's still videos put out for GE007 and Perfect Dark for speed runs/cheats, etc. ) or cheats, and the cheats alone, IMO, gave tons of replayability for both games.

As the poster above you said.
"I think you are too quick to judge this from a 60 second video.. i cant wait to play bond online, i mean i already do on steam but this will be better!"
It is hard to fully criticise a 60 second clip of something that is a work in progress
As there was practically no chance of Goldeneye ever reaching the VC or Xbox Live then this is the next best alternative. If you don't like the alternative then don't buy it. Then you'll be exactly the same as you was before, so no loss.

Basically it was this or nothing, so i'll take this remake over nothing any day.
Nah, **** this. I have been a Rare follower now for 15 years and this is garbage. Way to suck the tit of the cash cow that is Goldeneye. This is going to be Rogue Agent all over again. This is just pathetic. Daniel Craig in Goldeneye?! What! I don't care if it is because of legal issues. That's obviously a sign that it shouldn't happen. Rare's Godleneye XBLA should be the only thing with the title Goldeneye in it to be released. Enough said. Half of these people that will be getting this game are ignorant gamers that think it is going to be the same game. Throwing grenades while having a gun out!? Zooming in while moving!? What the hell is this. This is not Goldeneye. It is some other Bond game and to call it so is shitting on one of the most iconic FPS games on console as well as everyone's childhood nostalgia.
It is some other Bond game and to call it so is shitting on one of the most iconic FPS games on console as well as everyone's childhood nostalgia.

>Implying I was a child when it came out
I know a few really die hard fans of it tat weren't children when it was out
It is some other Bond game and to call it so is shitting on one of the most iconic FPS games on console as well as everyone's childhood nostalgia.

>Implying I was a child when it came out
I know a few really die hard fans of it tat weren't children when it was out
You can't come up with **** to say so you are attacking me for implying that you were a child. Shut the hell up. You know what I am saying. Anyone who seriously played Goldeneye 007 has great memories of it and hold those gaming times in high thoughts. To slap the Goldeneye name on some random shooter is an outrage.
This kid is probably too young and never got the chance to play the original so there fore, he is just trying to act smart with his words.
You can't come up with **** to say so you are attacking me for implying that you were a child.
Ok I will take note
You have no sense of houmor.

Shut the hell up.
Oh dear
You know what I am saying.
Do I?
Anyone who seriously played Goldeneye 007 has great memories of it and hold those gaming times in high thoughts.
Yeah there called Nostalgia goggles.
Its something most people that have been gaming for years suffer from.
To slap the Goldeneye name on some random shooter is an outrage.
Hay I know the feeling.
To slap "Sonic" or "Mario" on a game that is nothing like what they are supposed to be is a outrage its also called "Cashing in" GET USED TO IT!! Its nothing new.

This kid is probably too young and never got the chance to play the original so there fore, he is just trying to act smart with his words.
To whom are you addressing?
It is some other Bond game and to call it so is shitting on one of the most iconic FPS games on console as well as everyone's childhood nostalgia.

>Implying I was a child when it came out
I know a few really die hard fans of it tat weren't children when it was out
You can't come up with **** to say so you are attacking me for implying that you were a child. Shut the hell up. You know what I am saying. Anyone who seriously played Goldeneye 007 has great memories of it and hold those gaming times in high thoughts. To slap the Goldeneye name on some random shooter is an outrage.

Just ignore the game. It was a remake or nothing. If you chose nothing then don't buy or play it and then you'll be no different off.

I loved Goldeneye, I was one of the few people that I knew who actually completed everything in the game and I treasured my '007' cart. I really don't care about tiny details like throwing a grenade with your gun out though because it wasn't those things that made the game so great. It was that it was incredibly fun to play with great level design, so if this remake manages to capture even half of that then I'll be satisfied. If it isn't anywhere near the original then it wont sell and it's no loss to us; as it's not like the release of this game can go and corrupt your old N64 cart in any way.

For anyone who says that this should only be made by Rare, well the Goldeneye Rare team no longer exists. They all left Rare before Perfect Dark was released and ended up forming Free Radical. Then they went under and were bought up by Crytek and now work as Crytek UK. It wouldn't even matter if they did the remake though as the guy responsible for the Goldeneye multiplayer left them in 2009 to form another company, so whoever developed the new game would be using someone else's work.

The only way that Goldeneye would have stayed totally true to the original is if it could have been released on VC. An Xbox Live updated version wouldn't have been the same. Perfect Dark has very little in the way of changes in single player but is a very different game when it comes to multiplayer, as I never recalled things like getting spawn killed 6 times in a row when playing on the N64 version. Any classic that even has a slight update can be drastically changed by it and Goldeneye wouldn't have been any different.

Anyway I'll wait until the game actually releases before declaring it an outrage or a terrible game.

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