
wezeles said:
no i said its at the top of last gen but the bottom of this gen...

LOL. Actually no. Based on your post that was quoted above with the less than and greater than signs, you diagramed the Wii as having the best graphics. Go back and look it over again.
T3kNi9e said:
If its not point and click then the motion controls are ntohing special IMO. Then if you are a hardcore gamer like me I rather using analog joystick for aiming because it takes more skill and becomes more competitive.
That's crazy, Wii shooters may be too easy but there's no way analogue sticks make them any better, it's like saying Pc FPS are not competitive because you can aim properly with a mouse. If they released a controller that made them almost impossible to aim would that make it better because it was more difficult? Still i guess it's just personal preference.

Motion in games can make a difference in gameplay. Take The Godfather or Rayman Raving Rabbids for example. Both of those games are more fun on Wii because of the motion controls and poorer on the other consoles that use analogue sticks.
Yea its personal preference. I used to play shooters on PC but I never went back once I got used to console shooters because I liked using the joystick more.

I barely used motion controls for Godfather. Wasn't it only used for punching and execution? I still basically shook my hand to do them.
T3kNi9e said:
Yea its personal preference. I used to play shooters on PC but I never went back once I got used to console shooters because I liked using the joystick more.

I barely used motion controls for Godfather. Wasn't it only used for punching and execution? I still basically shook my hand to do them.
Im the opposite, i hate FPS with analogues but love them on PC and Wii (even though there isnt really a killer Wii FPS title yet).

Motion in Godfather was punching, strangling, executions, pushing and throwing guys around. I found it more fun (and more violent) than just pressing a button though.
thas said:
i just wanted to comment on the "original xbox has better graphics than wii". at the moment you can see that most games look the same as the original xbox, but its only the start for wii. if you look at the hardware, the wii runs in 480p, dvd graphics run in 420p and the original xbox was only i little higher than 420p. if you think that super mario galaxy is wii's limit, you are sadly mistaken.

It bothers me coming across posts like these. People get resolution confused with graphics, 2 seperate things. Higher resolution makes graphics LOOK clearer, but it doesn't alter graphics whatsoever. haha I once heard a kid say PS3 had the best graphics cause it was 1080p, yet im sure that same kid owns a SDTV.

Also people compare graphics at their local game store... BAD IDEA. Sony and MS are displaying their consoles at 720/1080p on 1080p displays. The best way to compare graphics is to do it on your own TV.
For instance if you have an old SDTV, Wii and PS3 will look scary similar... Beleive me.
T3kNi9e said:
Yea its personal preference. I used to play shooters on PC but I never went back once I got used to console shooters because I liked using the joystick more.

I barely used motion controls for Godfather. Wasn't it only used for punching and execution? I still basically shook my hand to do them.

You aimed your weapon as well.
My biggest complaint about The Godfather was the repetitive voiceovers. "I Gotta Get Outta Here".. Psh! Lazy developers.
I have never properly got used to dual analogue FPS, I am gradually getting better though and think in tiime I could be as good as anyone else.

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the wii has very good grapics it beats ps3 a littel bit and is very close to xbox 360 but it isent really about tha grapics it is the game play and story that really matters
Caliko said:
People get resolution confused with graphics, 2 seperate things. Higher resolution makes graphics LOOK clearer, but it doesn't alter graphics whatsoever.

For instance if you have an old SDTV, Wii and PS3 will look scary similar... Beleive me.

Resolution is clearly a component of "graphics" - that is the visual presentation element of a videogame. I agree that more resolution may not in itself mean a better visual experience, but it certainly contributes (of course talking on displays that allow you to *use* the extra resolution).

However, even if you - let call it normalize - the resolution of the PS3 and Wii to the same (720x480/SD), the PS3 has a number of graphic improvements. Faster frame/fillrates, improves light-sourcing, better/more complex physics, better texture maps (which have a resolution component BTW), more effects and more concurrent use of these.

So while the extra resolution is an advantage on HD sets, as comparable resolutions, the "graphics" of a console like a PS3 are still significantly better than a Wii.

However, the game mechanics, art direction, etc., are what can make a game +fun+ - and so far for our money, the Wii has provided the most fun :D
Caliko said:
You aimed your weapon as well.
My biggest complaint about The Godfather was the repetitive voiceovers. "I Gotta Get Outta Here".. Psh! Lazy developers.

I dont see the point and click feature as a "motion control" even though you obviously move. Besides that feature was pretty pointless. Since it didn't always aim. I think you had to hold a button to do that. It wasn't like you pull out a gun and it automatically lets you aim. Besides, for a game like that I rather use the autolock on for aiming.
T3kNi9e said:
I dont see the point and click feature as a "motion control" even though you obviously move. Besides that feature was pretty pointless. Since it didn't always aim. I think you had to hold a button to do that. It wasn't like you pull out a gun and it automatically lets you aim. Besides, for a game like that I rather use the autolock on for aiming.

Autolocking is for noobs, no matter the game.
Okay... I haven't played Godfather in a while but im not sure you can even beat the whole game without autolocking. Since when you are taking over everything there's way to many people to be just standing there shooting. If I remember correctly you cannot move while free aiming and you cant stay in cover? Im not sure because I forgot. Maybe you could if you were extremely fast at it but I doubt it. Either way it would be tedious and boring that way. In a game thats GTA style I really dont want to aim. The game isn't meant to be that way. The only time I aimed in Godfather was when I wanted to shoot at their knees or do a headshot.

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