Greetings from a noob.


WiiChat Member
Jun 18, 2007
Hey everyone I am Splazzatch. I have Wii and I love it.

I have RedSteel, Super Paper Mario, Wii Play and Wii sports. I will be picking up transformers next week when it releases.
Hey welcome to the forum :)

Hope you enjoy your stay here.
Hey Welcome my homi noob. I haven't played paper mario buut i havee heard its very good. Doi you consider buying it
wassup dude?? welcome to WiiChat.

hey, you have wiiplay?? i was thinking about getting it, (mainly because of the free wiimote) so can you tell me from your point of view if its worth it?? thanks and again, welcome to WiiChat!!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I have Played wii play at my bro's friends house, its pretty good but its one of those games where if you play it alot, you get sick off it and never play it again(happened to me with wii sport) yer so if you get it don't play it heeps or else you'll get sick off it.
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Wii play is a 10 dollar game and a 40 dollar controller. I would never buy it unless it had the free controller (unless it was in the 10 dollar bargain bin) It is fun if you have someone else to play it with but that's about it.
splazzatch said:
Hey everyone I am Splazzatch. I have Wii and I love it.

I have RedSteel, Super Paper Mario, Wii Play and Wii sports. I will be picking up transformers next week when it releases.
I wanna get transformers too, looks awesome (Plus I'm a big TF/ TF movie fan). Wont be out for a while down my way mind...

Welcome and all that jazz!

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