
No, sorry its not.
Maybe in the future we will have a GTA game, but I doubt it.
Zelda645 said:
Is Grand Theft Auto 4 coming out for wii next year
It's a rumor, however a lot of people are hoping for it. I'm personally pounding Rockstar's PR dept weekly with e-mails on this subject. At least, SOME sort of GTA for the Wii.

Some think that the GTA4 delay has to do with problems with the PS3 development or a surprise Wii version. Personally I doubt there will be a Wii version of GTA4 but we could be getting the last of the "Stories" series with a GTA: San Andreas Stories title, but this is just a guess.

I speculate that the reasons behind the delay might be Mr. Jack Thompson, who is ticked about one of the first mission's is to kill a lawyer. He's taking it personal and has already threatened legal action (even though he's been barred from doing so) and is taking it as a personal attack to himself. His claims come from the conclusion of this mission, before Niko shoots this lawyer, he says "Guns don't kill people, video games do." Mr. Thompson says this how it references to him. I wouldn't doubt that Jacko is trying to get GTA4 tied up in court and could be the 'cause of the delay.

As far as GTA coming to the Wii, Rockstar Presents: Table Tennis is a MAJOR hint that we will see a GTA title, as it is powered by Rockstar's RAGE engine and is the official replacement to the previous engine found in the other GTA titles. With that now ported, we can almost safely assume a GTA release of some sorts for the Wii will be coming. It's just a matter of WHEN.

Reggie has already pushed Take-Two/Rockstar's GTA to come on over to the Wii, stated like last year in an MTV interview, and all over the web people are signing petitions and crying out for it. It's only a matter of time. :)
Yeah, I'd say we will see some sort of spin off of GTA 4 on the Wii. Especially if the wii is still having this amazing success after they release GTA 4 next year.
we might get a remake fromthe other ones tho, so have some hope, just not much
KrisKhaos said:
It's a rumor, however a lot of people are hoping for it. I'm personally pounding Rockstar's PR dept weekly with e-mails on this subject. At least, SOME sort of GTA for the Wii.

Some think that the GTA4 delay has to do with problems with the PS3 development or a surprise Wii version. Personally I doubt there will be a Wii version of GTA4 but we could be getting the last of the "Stories" series with a GTA: San Andreas Stories title, but this is just a guess.

I speculate that the reasons behind the delay might be Mr. Jack Thompson, who is ticked about one of the first mission's is to kill a lawyer. He's taking it personal and has already threatened legal action (even though he's been barred from doing so) and is taking it as a personal attack to himself. His claims come from the conclusion of this mission, before Niko shoots this lawyer, he says "Guns don't kill people, video games do." Mr. Thompson says this how it references to him. I wouldn't doubt that Jacko is trying to get GTA4 tied up in court and could be the 'cause of the delay.

As far as GTA coming to the Wii, Rockstar Presents: Table Tennis is a MAJOR hint that we will see a GTA title, as it is powered by Rockstar's RAGE engine and is the official replacement to the previous engine found in the other GTA titles. With that now ported, we can almost safely assume a GTA release of some sorts for the Wii will be coming. It's just a matter of WHEN.

Reggie has already pushed Take-Two/Rockstar's GTA to come on over to the Wii, stated like last year in an MTV interview, and all over the web people are signing petitions and crying out for it. It's only a matter of time. :)
We can only hope. I have my doubts the Wii can handle GTA 4 though.
They might have to dumb down the graphics and such for it, but I'm sure it could handle something -close- to GTA4...

but if you need that open-world gameplay -now-, Godfather is seriously plenty enough, even though comparing it to say San Andreas is like comparing the DS to the Virtua's so basic in its design, only a few building models, a few vehicle models, a few gun models...

but even so it's almost refreshing to not have to worry about so many different variables in the gameplay (I remember one joke about San Andreas being something like "what's next? a Bladder gauge?" I can so imagine being stuck out in some gunfight because your character pissed his pants)...being able to just focus on the task at hand, and be nice and methodical about it, while still having the ability to advance the game almost as you see fit is great.

but to answer the question, the fact that T2/Rox* is bringing titles to the Wii (even if it is -another- table tennis game!) gives hope that there will be -some- port of -some- GTA title to the Wii in the future. When, how, and what still are way up in the air.

Nintendo93 said:
We can only hope. I have my doubts the Wii can handle GTA 4 though.
I dunno man, while it won't be nearly as pretty as the "other" consoles, however we can get an idea of what to expect on how well the RAGE engine handles on the Wii.

This is clearly a joke, however the screen-shots are from the previous GTA series and can be viewed in comparison.

GTA 4 Screen-shot #2

Rockstar Presents: Table Tennis (Wii) #2

Most the screen-shots of both games I've seen mostly focus on two different perspectives per each game. For instance, GTA4 shots love to show off the environmental aspects of the game while Table Tennis shows off more the avatar/characters. Now I can't say that the Wii is going to be able to seriously compete with it's "big brothers" (PS3 and 360) however the way this is looking the Wii just might be able to handle GTA4 with the environment effects dumbed down a little. Look closely and remember this is the same RAGE rendering engine, two different platforms.

GTA 4 Screen-shot #2

Rockstar Presents: Table Tennis (Wii) #2

With that said what I see here is a lot of the same graphics potential minus the superior lighting, sadly this is really what makes the new GTA4 world come alive. We may be in for surprise however, and the Wii just may be able to pull off something decent with it's own lighting. :)

To give a better comparison, let's compare the XBox 360's version of Table Tennis verses the Wii. Now game wise the simple fact that the 360 has superior online play puts the upcoming Wii title to shame , despite the Wii's superior control scheme which is perfect for a game like this. So let's look at it bit for bit shall we?

Rockstar Presents: Table Tennis (Xbox 360)

Rockstar Presents: Table Tennis (Wii)

Man, look at that. You can almost see the individual threads on the 360 version, while the Wii... Wait a second, not seeing much difference here. :lol: Sure in HD we should expect more detail, however for the Wii being so "past-gen" it seems to be at least keeping up.

I'm not saying this will last, however what I am saying is that games are just starting to use the full potential of the next-gen systems, and the same can be said for the Wii. What I see clearly is a possibility that the Wii could possibly play GTA4 or at least something close to it, definitely something more than San Andreas was last time around. Come time for GTA4:Vice City however, that may have to await the Wii 2 first. :)

The worst thing you can do is under-estimate the Wii, as always the Wii is packed full of surprises. :)
not sure why so many people want an official GTA Wii game when Godfather and Scarface are already so awesome and fit the same category. honestly, GTA started the genre, but there's better stuff now.
FWELR said:
not sure why so many people want an official GTA Wii game when Godfather and Scarface are already so awesome and fit the same category. honestly, GTA started the genre, but there's better stuff now.
Yeah well Godfather may be good it's still no GTA. As far as why people want an "official" GTA is we tend to like the that official verses the clones. Likewise Mario would be out of a job years ago. :)
In all honesty I thing the wii has a better potential than
ps3 and xbox in taking the gta franchise to the next level - and I am not talking graphics..
I really really hope that the GTA series could be played in my wii... that would be really really fun..
The same theory ran through my head when I heard table tennis was coming to the wii.
I can only pray

To be honest, I think there would be a lot of people who say it goes against what nintendo is trying to do, but it could also help sales of wii?

I plan to buy a 360 or PS3 purely to play gta iv. I had a 360, but the combination of gta being delayed and I heard microsoft admit that basically all 360s would go wrong at some point, I sold mine before it did!

Even if the graphics did end up similar to the comparisons above, I wouldn't mind.
Incidently, do wii discs have the same capacity as a dvd/360 disc? Just thinking for the size of the game/city whether it would fit on one wii disc, or whether we would be back to the original GTA with disc swapping, which wouldn't work actually as it's now one big city..