Guitar Hero / Rock Band instruments


WiiChat Member
Jan 7, 2011
Please don't refer me to the Rock Band website's compatibility chart. I want to hear from people who have actually experienced this.

1. If you have the Rock Band guitar, drums, and microphone, do they all work with the Guitar Hero games?

2. If you have the Guitar Hero guitar, drums, and microphone, do they all work with the Rock Band games?

I have seen MANY conflicting reports from online sources, which is why I am asking these questions in a Wii forum. I recently sold my Rock Band and Guitar Hero games and peripherals for my PS2 so that I could consolidate to the Wii, but I want to make sure that I don't buy the wrong thing.
I don't know but, people don't usally come on till about 3 or 4 so don't get discouraged.
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Yeah, but this was posted 5 days ago with no responses. You would think there would be some users out there with first-hand knowledge of this subject.
Yeah, I asked the people at Gamestop one time and they said it they worked with the differant games so....
Well, here I go.

All microphones from both franchises work just fine with either game.

Now, Rock Band (the first one) is only compatible with the RB instruments, Since RB 2 you can use the Guitar Hero instruments, but no game of the GH franchise is compatible with RB instruments (Recently heard that this is possible in the recent GH Warriors of Rock, but I´m not sure)

Hope this helped you out.

p.s: I was going to Reply to this thread in it´s second day here, but then my connection went out, and the I simply forgot it.

p.s p.s: Rock On!
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OK, then. Looks like I'll be buying the Guitar Hero stuff and hope for the best.

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