Halo Wars


40lb box of rape
Dec 8, 2007
Wii Online Code
So, the Demo's out on the 5th (12th for Silver members), the game comes out on the third of March.
What do y'all think of it? Will you be buying it?
Discuss it here!:D

I think it looks like an awesome prequel to Halo, I will definitely be picking it up (unless the demo blows, which I doubt it will).
I heard it comes with a map pack for Halo 3 lol. I'll try the demo but most likely will never buy it.
Will give the demo a go of course.
I'm not really expecting to be amazed, I reckon they'll be playing it kinda safe with this game, not to upset any Halo fans. Just a hunch, of course.
i think its gonna be a great game if your a fan of the genre and halo, but i am neither, i'll give it a shot though if i like the demo i may give it a rent. the map pack comes with the collectors edition and they will eventually hit xbl marketplace anyways so i'll get them like that.. if i even do get them.
Since it's a basic RTS and the majority of buyers will be Halo fans... I kind of want to buy it just to completely rape all the thick skulls that don't even know what RTS stands for and Halo is the best game ever.
Since it's a basic RTS and the majority of buyers will be Halo fans... I kind of want to buy it just to completely rape all the thick skulls that don't even know what RTS stands for and Halo is the best game ever.

thats kind of funny, because its true. "zomg deres a n3w halo gam3?! wow im gonna pwn lik3 halo3!"

my buddy is a pretty big halo fan, and hes sick at RTSs i wont even play with him lol. he wanted me to get endwar with him and i used the excuse that i didnt like the private beta, i just knew id never win lol.

edit: okay so i got the demo today and i really like it so far. ive only gone through the tutorials but after work (if i dont play killzone 2 all night) im going to try out the campaign and multiplayer features of the demo. looks promising though.
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It's taking me forever to flipping download. I started it almost 3 hours ago wtf. Only 85% done.
Taking forever for me too. Probably because of the large amount of people downloading it.

Started at about the same time as you and I'm 87% done.
Well if it makes you guys feel better, I'm at 5 and I just shut off my Xbox. I started downloading like 5 mins ago though.
mine downloaded unusually fast. i was suprised since its such a large file. killzone 2 demo is 1.2gbs and that one went fast for me too, ps3 usually takes longer.

the multiplayer isnt an option in the demo, its clickable so i thought it would be but when i went back after work to finish playing it it just brought up a screen telling me i can play 1v1 2v2 or 3v3.

also the campaign is co-op over live, just found that out too. i havent been reading about this game or anythign, thought i wouldnt like it im gonna have to read up before it comes out but i think im getting it.

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