HD TV - any difference?


WiiChat Member
Jun 16, 2007

I have a HD TV but my Wii is currently just linked up via the standard cables

Will runnig it using HD cables make a noticeable difference in pciture quality?

Meh, it makes a little difference. My friend has it and i don't notice nada on it.
MztikalAce said:
Meh, it makes a little difference. My friend has it and i don't notice nada on it.

You have inferior eyes.

Yes, it makes an amazing difference. I strongly suggest getting the component cables and running your games in progressive.

Graphics look as good as the other consoles in 1080i... o_O;
I ran Zelda TP with all of them, standard, svid, component, it cleared some, very little, jags that the others couldnt smooth but not much difference.

Get a Monster component cable, that thing is badass.
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well, i have just ordered some cables, i will let you know my opinion soon!:aureola:
ciper said:
grrr they are NOT HD cables...

Component is capable of HD. HD set top boxes use component ... so does HD DVD and BlueRay players...

HDMI and DVI are just digital, that's all. Digital is NOT the definiton of high definition.

LuzTeTT said:
Component is capable of HD. HD set top boxes use component ... so does HD DVD and BlueRay players...

HDMI and DVI are just digital, that's all. Digital is NOT the definition of high definition.
And? Dont make assumptions. I never used the word digital in my post.
The Wii does NOT output HD no matter what cables you have attached. 480p is not HD.
Hd TV's also have standard cable support, are those HD too? Since true HD is obtained through HDMI, everything else is just upscaled. Thats why 360 added HDMI cause only HDMI is HD.
Well, it makes me feel better when i tell my friends "Whats that? Component? Oh, well im just using TRUE HD!" besides, if it wasnt, microsoft wouldntve released the elite with just HDMI added. I think there may be some truth to it.
Dammit some of you are dense

I never said only HDMI was HD
I never said only digital was HD
I never said component wasn't HD.

The minimum specification for a signal to be considered HD is 720p.

Thanks. Goodbye. I win.
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