HELP ! New Wii has no sound


WiiChat Member
Mar 22, 2008
Hello. Just bought my first Wii and LOVING it...except...

I'm getting NO sound from the Wii console. My PS2 is getting perfect sound, but nothing from the Wii. The remotes have sound, but that's it.

I have both systems hooked up thru a multi-game system adaptor cable (not sure of the technical name) I bought at Game Stop along with the system (allows you to hook up PS, Wii & X-Box simultaneously). Thinking it might be the cable, I tried hooking the system up using just the cables that came with the Wii but no luck there either.

I have a pseudo-surround-sound system (Radio Shack amplifier run thru my VCR). Works with my DVD player, VCR, and PS2, but all I hear from the Wii is a barely detectable whisper.

Suggestions ? I'm a newbie so please be gentle :)
Is your TV un-muted? Are the red and white cords plugged into the correct spot? Is your TVs volume up to a reasonable level?

I don't really know about this kind of stuff, but try these maybe.
try plugging it directly to the surround, if it doesn't work, do it directly to the tv. Verify that everything is plugged correctly and make sure is connectec to the wii properly too. If you still have no sound, give nintendo a call.
Ditch the surround sound system, and splitter and put it directly through to your tv. If it doesn't work then it can only be two things: The Tv or Wii. But since you can play other consoles with sound, it must be your Wii. Could be the actual cable, or manufacturing fault. Get a new one, still under warranty isn't it?

Hope you get it working, everyone should be able to have fun with the Wii.
Maybe your other consoles are sabotaging it while you are not looking, 'coz they know that the Wii is better...

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