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are you for real?
dude these people who join, and then immeadiatly post a thread are starting to piss me off. Come on, that was this guys first post.
this is a joke

edit: at least he put it the remote right section.
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nope i'm not navarre. although i did copy his user title. 8)

just wondering what's up with everyone?

and @napalmbrain: leona lewis is awesome.
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idk what you mean...? i only copied your user title.

and don't call me a cretin, or ill call you a meanie. :)
Hmm... both accounts are online at the same time, although that could mean Navarre has two computers and he's running between them to have a conversation with himself.
Hmm... both accounts are online at the same time, although that could mean Navarre has two computers and he's running between them to have a conversation with himself.

I'm not that sad. From my experiences as a moderator in the past, can't you see the IP addresses of members?

Besides, this loser hoser was up at 4 AM in the morning chatting ****.
Hmm... both accounts are online at the same time, although that could mean Navarre has two computers and he's running between them to have a conversation with himself.

Firefox and Internet Explorer maybe?
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