how long did you have to wait in line to get the wii

i didn't have to queue,

i work at a shopping centre, they gave staff em first!
Ten hours although I was first in line....hopefully the up coming games will make all that worth it...
About an hour?

And that was only because I didn't have enough money.. so I phoned my stepfather, he wouldn't come over, phoned my mother, no answer, the boyf phoned his aunty, she did her best over the phone but couldn't do anything, so then she said she'd come over (half hour drive) to give the money, but then the boyf went to the bank and took out all the money he could then we were like 2 pound off.. so this guy who worked there give me 2 quid..

But then my mother text me and said she was on the way over to give me money, and Jays aunty was on the way, and neither of us had money left on our phones to tell them not to come. So they both showed up and we had the wii in our hands =/

Lol, ohh well.. I would have had it like straight away if we had the money..

Oh yeah AND we had just bought stuff in the shop, and we took them back to get our money back to go towards paying for it
well this is kind of pathetic, cuz i didnt even wait in line...

me and my friend went out to buy wiis launch night. and all of the stores had too many ppl in line (for everyone to get one) so we eventually gave up. (it sucks cuz my friend bought a ticket from someone at best buy the next morning for only twenty bucks.) but anyways i called every store in town and they would all get wiis the next sunday (black sunday unfortunately)

well... i was gone that whole weekend so it turned out that my mom got up at like 5 in the morning and went out to every store imaginable and eventually got one from gamestop after waiting in line for an hour. and then when i got home that afternoon there was a big white box on the kitchen table... i had to suck up to my mom for a while after that though.

^i love her :yesnod:
I had to wait about two hours

I was at my schools soccer game and they were raffling a wii off meh it was only $5.00 dollars a I bought one and it was around 8:00 and they called the winner at 10:00....I was looking at my odds of winning their is about 750 people here and their is like 400 raffle tickets and still going..I only bought one(you know what the hell) A lot of families got tired and went home, probably forgetting about the wii, but I now their was only like 400 people here and it was winner time. The first ticket..first...was mine. I was so happy...that was the best $5.00 dollars ever spent for me. This happened December 23rd 2006,

I think it was rigged though because the person pulling the tickets was my dads best friend.
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Holy **** they made like 3750$ just for 1 Wii!? Pure Genius, just Genius!
o_O I didnt wanna wait in line for many hours. I got mine at walmart, waited for an hour for the shipment to come in. Luckly i was near some honest people, so I was like # 7/8 to get the wii.
I waited about 30 seconds.

I handed over my reserve form, laughed at the people who didn't reserve and walked out with my new Wii and Twilight Princess :)
a lot of you had to wait a while, me i went to Walmart on Dec. 20th, and walked in a got it, didnt reserve it or anything, i thought i was amazingly lucky, come on 5 days before Christmas walk in and out with a Wii in 5 min, wow i thought i was lucky
I thought to myself," I wanna Wii", so i called up wallmart as I was leaving work and they had 1 so I drove up there and bought it. Ask ye shall recieve, thats how I see it.-----------another sign of the apacalypse: waiting in line more than 2 hrs to buy a videogame system!
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