How many of you are excited for Dragon Quest Swords???


Oct 23, 2006
Parker CO
Wii Online Code
Anyone excited for Dragon Quest Swords???

Here's a sample



Yes Dragon Quest Swords is on rails but u can go forwards, backwards, and choose which routes you the exploration element isnt dead!
Also you have to ask yourself, has there ever been a bad dragon quest game!?
If you have any other questions I might know your answer!

So how many people plan to get this game? (I sure as hell do!)
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Could someone fill me in on the story of the first couple
That looks so awsome an RPG where you swing your weapon with the wii remote you could slice their legs off if you wanted to. LOL!! :lol:
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i never understood rpgs... they never seemed fun to me. (i admittedly never gave them much of a chance though...)
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Solard said:
i never understood rpgs... they never seemed fun to me. (i admittedly never gave them much of a chance though...)

I use to be negative torwards the whole genre because of turn based action....but as soon as I played Dragon Quest 8 (the reason I love Dragon Quest on the first place) I started to realize just how much fun they can be!
The #1 reason I love them is because usually RPGs are going to have plenty of beautifulenviroments to show! Not only that but the shortest RPG Ive heard of is 40 they they'll gove you your moneys worth! But I think you should give DQS a chance..who knows you may have a brand new favorite genre
yea maybe so, ive only tried 1 rpg (for a long period of time that is) it was... cant remember the name... well it was some medieval gamecube game, very long... its was pretty good. but i havent tried any since... might rent one to see if i like the genre :)
SO in the game you do not move with the nunchuck, it moves for you? That is kind of weird
Looks horrible to be honest. I was expecting something epic like Zelda but I definitely don't think thats going to happen. It looks very kiddie to me too...isn't it supposed to be a mature type of game?
The combat looks weird they just wait in line for you to slash them
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I'll know this game will be good...I just have a good feeling!
Once you actually think about it you guys will understand.
It looks fairly kiddish to me. I was excited about the sword swinging at first, but if you watch the girl swinging the wiimote it is not even 1:1 swinging. It looks like its randomly slashing. Kind of disappointing. The shield thing looks like a really cool idea. Seems pretty challenging.
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Skorp said:
It looks fairly kiddish to me. I was excited about the sword swinging at first, but if you watch the girl swinging the wiimote it is not even 1:1 swinging. It looks like its randomly slashing. Kind of disappointing. The shield thing looks like a really cool idea. Seems pretty challenging.

If youve never played a Dragon Quest game youd know it not really kidish
its just a Japnese game.....all the characters youve just seen are classic and have been around since the first. So I promise you the game isnt chilish as it looks
here the trailer....not kiddy


SEE! I'll have you know Dragon Quest always has an amazing story to tell and the best music!
Skorp said:
It looks fairly kiddish to me. I was excited about the sword swinging at first, but if you watch the girl swinging the wiimote it is not even 1:1 swinging. It looks like its randomly slashing. Kind of disappointing. The shield thing looks like a really cool idea. Seems pretty challenging.

It looks REALLY kiddish to me and its ridiculous how random the fighing is. One moment they're walking....then he meets these kiddie "monsters". Then after a long delay he starts slashing them. So stupid.

P.S. The trailer is pretty horrible btw. Cartoon characters come to life...and it looks like some kind party for children or something. What a joke. I can't wait until a REAL strategy/RPG game comes out for the Wii. I want something epic like Too Human, Mass Effect, or SOMETHING. Hence why I'm getting a 360 as soon as possible. I'm really hoping Nintendo quits being a little b*tch next time around and creates a system with cutting edge graphics to compliment their awesome gameplay ideas and games.

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