How to make Wii region free

how come i never hear anything about 360 or ps3 mods and wii mods are every where?
samXcor3 said:
how come i never hear anything about 360 or ps3 mods and wii mods are every where?

Probably because Sony and Microsoft does a much better job of stopping it then Nintendo can, atleast in the US. There are modded 360's and PS3's, it's just that with a modded 360, you wouldn't be able to take advantage of online because you'd be banned. Not sure with Sony, since online is free. Here in southeast Asia, different story. I'm in Indonesia, and I couldn't buy a non-modded console even if I wanted to. Wii, PS3, 360....there all modified over here. The person I purchased my wii from couldn't tell me/didn't know what mod chip was in mine.

I highly doubt Nintendo will seriously "crack down" on modded systems. They may make certain updates which brick modded wii's, but I doubt it's their sole intent. Their not anal like Microsoft is. I've done system/firmware updates on my wii before. Everything is still running fine.
langjie said:
too bad updates are shoved down your throat with some of the newer games
Bringing up old threads = :/

samXcor3 said:
how come i never hear anything about 360 or ps3 mods and wii mods are every where?
There are plenty of people modding 360s. You don't even need a modchip, you can just flash some custom firmware onto your DVD drive. But it requires constant updating to avoid being banned from Live, which sucks ass.

The PS3 isn't being modded much because nobody has unimaginably expensive Blu-ray burners, and it isn't feasible to download and store 60GB isos.
Gaming, music and movie industry - Listen up !!!!!!

it is both annoying and frustrating when it comes to especially movie and gaming region locking.

It is against the law you idiots..... Per the sony lawsuit class action based on the region locking of GAMES. It states that the region limiting of a game is not allowed. I would assume that this would mean also ntsc and Pal, the only arguement is that the different tv set ups. Like dvd players, consoles and pcs should be able to emulate the required setup being either ntsc or pal. Its about time that the industry of both movie ( dvd ) and game ( console and c ) get their act together and stop this crap. I should be able to go anywhere in the world, pick up a game, pay for it, take it home and play it. I should not have to run around in another country knocking back real bargains based on the fact I live in Australia ( PAL ) and the game or dvd in ntsc.

You as a industry should only be concerned with the fact that I bought you damn console or movie, you should not therefor give a crap where I bought it and for how much.

Typical example is I can by a ntsc WII game brand new 40 australian dollars, in australia the same game exact same game $70 just cause its PAL

give me a break
BUMPing up a thread thats over two years old is frowned upon.
Even more so if your trying to start a debate with people that for the most part are no longer here
But that just means you fail by default
Its like arguing with a dead body
Pointless and will get you booted out of the morgue

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