I feel robbed


WiiChat Member
Apr 22, 2009
london Uk
I love c o d5 waw but having just played with my cousin for the first time on xbox 360 i feel well cheated, having payed the same price for the game £39.99 on release date i find i have only half the game he has??:mad5: wat is the reason for them havin so many maps and add ons like zombies and y cant we have capture the flag games ect im very very upset with this and am now thinking seriously about an xbox or ps3 im looking to get into that game R.U.S.E that is soon to be released..

Please let me know ur thoughts and if anyone can tell me y we have so little compared to other consoles i would be very greatful

cod fc 1977 4677 0778
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Ask Treyarch. Although the XBox 360 is more-powerful, the only reason for a lot of that is developer laziness.
It's not necessarily developer laziness, but budgets and finances. The know from the start that sales from the Wii version will not make them as much profit as the other versions, so it's hard to justify the expense of fleshing out the Wii version as much as the others.
The know from the start that sales from the Wii version will not make them as much profit as the other versions, so it's hard to justify the expense of fleshing out the Wii version as much as the others.
Self defeating, based on misguided precedent of the same past behavior.
Self defeating, based on misguided precedent of the same past behavior.

I partially agree with your statement actually. Having a full-featured game would typically help increase sales, thereby making it worth their expense in the first place. However enough time has gone by with sales histories of similar games in the past and I'm sure they've run their profit forecasts on all the various platforms, and just don't see it worth the expense. It's a gamble both ways - risk losing money on development of a game that ends up not selling, or risk losing huge profits on lost sales by not releasing a good games.

Like it or not, the Wii has carved out an atypical video game audience who don't care for the hardcore games for the most part. You can trace video game history back to pre-Atari days and you won't find any similar situations as the Wii vs. 360/PS3 so developer and publishers are having a tricky time adjusting their business plans. Unfortunately, the answers they arrive at will make some people unhappy.
Yeah, I'll be waiting on previews/reviews for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for Wii, listed as releasing Nov. 10th, to see if it's more full featured than COD:WAW...
However enough time has gone by with sales histories of similar games in the past and I'm sure they've run their profit forecasts on all the various platforms, and just don't see it worth the expense.
What would be a "similar game"? In other words, a full-blown military FPS that didn't randomly cut corners on the Wii edition due to some assumed idea of what the market wants.

Even The Conduit made the boneheaded mistake of having the single-player story mode be too short, uncreative and monotonous. And Madworld tried to be "unique" visually at the sacrifice of basic playability. Yet despite unique design mistakes of each that lead to their lackluster sales, many will still hold them up as posterboys for why serious "hardcore" games won't sell on the Wii.

On the contrary, I find no shortage of people who wanted to play these games on the Wii but were unhappy with them due to their specific shortcomings... which weren't the fault of the Wii, but were solely the fault of the game designers.

Serious "hardcore" games will sell on the Wii just fine. Needlessly handicapped and castrated games will not.
hopefully they will look at the sales cod waw on the wii made and try and improve the game noticeably in the future
Lol, simply because the Nintendo Wii is too weak/not enough space for extra features. Gotta be space conscious.

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